West Seneca Neon Owner

nice idea dumbass

what are you driving thats so nice.

I found this on his myspace entitled

“Muthafucka You Know Who Won”


move over speedped nyspeed has a new resident retard

and ur the idiot who tries to make fun of something cause you take it serious.

No, you’re def. the idiot for making it in the first place…and for turning your car into what it is today.

please tell me what it is?
piece of shit doesnt answer it either

Surprisingly enough, piece of shit just about perfectly describes it.

great :tup: a neon with a wing… :gotme:



A neon (not srt-4) is Either:

1-A chick car.
2-A Grandma car.
3-A winter beater.

Take your pick which you wanna tell people your car is.

Too much F&F3 and i have never seen this car in WS

so your the dude i saw on my street all the time over the summer…man you got alot to learn yet young man… welcome and good luck

94 geo metro with intake and exhaust

actually id be happier if my car had a half decent paint job like in that movie.

i geuss having an opinion on ur own cars exterior/interior is morally wrong these days.I mean who would want a car that doesnt look like every other 100,000 or however many neons.

And atleast I dont have a tiger on the side of my car like the yellow mustang thats around.

True, but you do drive a Neon with a body kit and a huge wing.

to each his own i dont care what u do to your car it has no effect but ur drift video is just dumb its a neon

u drive a geo,does that even have 4 cylinders.since everyone else is being egotistical assholes i mgiht as well.

and u could do the same thing with any other car and it wouldnt be dumb.Someone needs a bit stubborn…

And theres no more wing.

No, its just dumb drifting FWD.

in ur opinion,but in reality it still works.

You could also drive it off a cliff and say youre flying?

Drifting is overpowering your rear wheels so they break traction and you can go into a controlled slide.

ebrake slides are dragging the rear wheels and hope for the best. you can’t keep a continuous drift with a fwd car, It’s impossible.

im not defending the neon im just posting it for info.

What Is Drifting?

Basically, drifting is getting your car sideways down a road. It doesn’t sound very hard does it? Sounds a lot like power sliding huh? Well it isn’t. It’s much more complex. Instead of a drifter causing a drift and then countering to straighten out, he will instead over-counter so his car goes into another drift. That is the reason many drifters do it in the mountains, because there are many sharp turns strung together. So in essence a good drifter has the ability to take five or six opposing turns without having traction at any point in time.

How is it Done?

There are two ways to start a drift. The first is the clutching technique. When approaching a turn the driver will push in the clutch and shift his car into second gear. Then rev the engine up to around 4000-5000 rpm (it all depends all the model of the car being used) and then slightly turn away from the turn and then cut back towards it hard while at the same time popping the clutch and causing the rear wheels to spin. At this point the drifter has a loss of traction and is beginning to slide around the curve. Now comes the hard part. You have to hold the drift until the next turn. To do this you must keep your foot on the accelerator while at the same time adjusting your car with the steering wheel so you don’t spin out. It’s not as easy as it sounds. Then as the drifter reaches the end of the turn and approaches the next turn which is in the opposite direction he must cut the wheel in that direction and in some cases, if the previous drift was to slow and they start to regain traction, they must pop the clutch again to get the wheels spinning. And that is how you drift a rear wheel drive car.The second technique is used by a few drifters in rear wheel drives, but is the only way you can really drift a front wheel drive. You have to use the side brake. A front wheel drive can not whip it’s tail out because the tires are being driven in the front as opposed to the rear. So when approaching a turn you pull the side brake to cause traction loss. And the rest is pretty much the same except that it’s much harder to take more than one turn with a front wheel driver

Drifting Explained!

by Ryan Stevens of Velocity Racing Team Japan