West Seneca Neon Owner

u really think i drive a geo

ive seen one around with rims so i figured.

and ya u cant contiously drift in a fwd car without snow but it still works for single turns like that.If you ever actually watched a inside drift video they sometimes use the e brake to start the drift even in rwd.if i had the tools and skill to make my car rwd i would but its alot of fab and money i dont have,I didnt choose for the car to be fwd I’m just work with what I’ve got.

Or you can not be a dumbass and get a different platform


lol at this thread… it almost has more references to F&F than my intro thread on ubrf way back when i made the name “brianearlspilnr” …

btw to op welcome to the board… i live in west seneca maybe if i catch your car in my beater we can have a race



ive learned as a neon owner that we already have a bad reputation from not saying anything from the start, but i never put a big wing on my neon, if you want i can help you take it off

Funny, Yet Sad at the same time.

try searching before speaking

those asian guys driving aroudn remind me of that MXC gameshow on spike lmao :lolsign:

:funny: defintly

and welcome

might want to school yourself, the only drift techniques you CANT do on a FWD car are power drifts and clutch kicks

the rest all work just fine … even if you have a minispare on teh front of your car … lol


Still gay as fuck to do it in a FWD car.

First off, your neon isn’t rare. There are many more than 100,000 neons polluting the streets. Probably millions.

Secondly, being unique, in this case, is not unique at all. You just made your car a target for a lot of things, among them, ridicule, attention from law enforcement, and in this case a local forum with a lot of tastefully modded cars that don’t take to kindly to teens ricing out their cars, then looking to race everyone and their mother.

Take that however you want…

I dont try to race everyone,but can’t stop looking like an idiot when being told a car isnt supercharged then wanting to race it and finding out it is and no way possible of a win.

I make my car look how I like it,I don’t like it stock.


ur hair just makes me wonder about that picture.

						About me:

Crazy shit

Bad Food
The Law
Slow Drivers

----------I’m 18.I don’t want you, the one person that I
want knows it.Stop driving the speed limit or get the
fuck outta my way.Race me.Fighting is bad,Love is

i dont get it, what does the picture of you wearing makeup have too do with me in a bed with another dude. do you assume i was calling you gay? or just expect it.