what a day...

First, I want to send out a REALLY big thanks to all those who made it out yesterday, really shows the level of comradery around here.

For those who didn’t know, yesterday Anthony was T-boned, and was in the hospital for 7 hours. It was confirmed that the girl was drunk, and while Anthony went to make a left turn right when the light turned red (he was in the intersection), she ran it and hit him on his passenger side.
His car is a write-off, but he’ll survive, and the let him out of the hospital last night, after what seemed to wait for hours on end for them to finish up their x-rays & C.T. scans.

And as you always expect from me, pictures of the injuries will be up soon, although I was unable to get a shot of the cut on his head, as they wouldn’t allow me to bring a camera into the hospital, and when they let him out, he had a damn bandage on.

But yes, Thanks again to all those that helped out over the day!

it was a ****ed up day for sure, but its nice to see that people actually do care and showed up at the hospital to see if he was ok

yeh he is definately feeling better.

even after being released from the hospital, he still wanted to go drifting.


but too bad track was cancelled, he still chilled with us throughout the night.

and i though Friday the 13 was an unlucky day for a person, day before blade’s accident. Again i hope blade recovered well, and all he has to worry about is a car, very lucky…IMO

Friday the 13th is my lucky day…
Blade don’t do that again. I almost killed myself and my passenger fishtailing all over the place to get the hospital as soon as I heard. :mad:
Now, lets work on the LARGE settlement that you’ll get from this crazy drunk driver. Now you can get all those S13s that you were talking about.
Friday13th -??-> S13… Maybe you should get an S14 then.
Saturday14th --> S14. It fits way better. In tribute of the lost S13, you will be getting an S14, it’s child.

It was definately shocking…and not a nice thing to hear your friend was in a really bad accident…glad that hes alright and everythings good…time to shop for a new car lol

lol, damm that is such a coincedent, 14th s14, lol yea.

i know eh, friday 13th was actually lucky for me, i went with 4 people, to get my G licence and for the test, only two came back with the G-license, the other two were 19 year old guys boasting and failed the test,we all even had 1 hour driving class before. now i can brag, from the G1 to getting my G i passed everything 1st time with 0 mistakes even on my written tests.lol now i can drive like assasin1,lol jks.

talking about numbers, my next ticket court date is
SEPTEMBER 11th @ 11am 1-1B 11 weeks from now and my majic number is 11.lol

i got so worried when kev told me then i found out first thing he wants to do is drifting! rolls eyes

at least hes ok. should’ve called kev ealier so that i couldve found out while he was still in the hospital since the hospital was just 2 minutes walking distance from my house.

Well I would have made it out to the hospital but I had no idea about the incident of course. I’m glad to see he’s alright and I guess the cops were to busy catching street racers to stop the drunk drivers, makes sense no? Get better quick bro!

i like that idea. ive been running him that idea for ages but still devoted to s13. “ANTONY you cant defeat fate” get it over and done w/ and get a s14 already lol

we had like a mini meet at the hospital lol. glad to see your ok and you better get that large settlement!!

hope u feel better man.

sat was a bitch for me too…i was driving my friends mr2 and didnt see the curb… i flew over it and landed on the other side…popped 3 tires… and probably smashed sumtihng else…sighhh careless

Hey man, i heard about the accident from vlad, but didnt know what hospital you were at. Glad to see you were up and about within the day. Amazing JDM powers of recovery. This extremely large settlement that pat was talking about, you should take it and buy the best s13 money can buy! forget the s14 or anything else.

Eitherway, glad to see you could still MT with one hand.

glad to see ur alrite man

this is just horrible news, but glad he is ok and wanted to go drifting right after.

glad to see people care for each other around here and went to visit him, as for the drunk driver i hope she never gets behind the wheel again or a bottle in her hand, two things you shouldnt do at the same time.
thats why i get drunk and play forza 2, only way il drink and drive :wink:

hope to see you driving a nice nice car cough s13 * agian.

Sweet jesus, 1 Hit KO for the car but anthony comes back swinging

definitely jokes he still wanted to go sideways after leaving the hospital heh we got us a soldier right here. I woulda gone to visit him but i wasnt aware of it till 3 am since i had to go pick up my friend cuz he was drinking -_-"

dont worry anthony, we’ll help you find a new S13, cant let you go become an S14 Driver now :stuck_out_tongue:

as i recall there were 5 s14, 2 z32 1 skyline and 1 s13 at the hospital. where was the s13 support ?

I wouldve gone had vlad given me the hospital he was at. Sadly i was in the area too.

pretttty sure there were 2 coupes there…?

damn. so much love for anthony. im 100% sure he’ll be back to normal in no time. people that left a voicemail on my phone should’ve told me what happened rather than just saying to give them a call. if i knew i would’ve booked it there right away. plus my house was like 2 minutes away and we couldve chilled there for a bit. i hope i get the same love when i get in an accident. hehehe.

p.s. you better get well soon cuz once paris is done were gonna go terrorize T.O. downtown with sasha!

i thought i told you what happened in the voicemail?

and don’t worry, the photoshoot spots are reserved so get the damn thing operational!