What a long strange trip it's been..........

even tho i normally do most of my own work, its definitely sad to see the area losing a shop of such high caliber

gl w future ventures

i spent alot of long days (and money) with u, sorry to hear the news. I thought the parking lot looked kinda empty when i drove by the other day but i guess this explains it but any how good luck :tup:

thanks sean :slight_smile:

I was wondering where I was going to see this thread because last week i drove by and didnt see no signs or anything sorry buddy, but have a good run with something else you have in mind

Good luck my friend on whatever your next endeavor is.

Thanks Sean, means alot :slight_smile:

You need anything, you know my number.

does your wife count :stuck_out_tongue: I mean her cookies.,…i mean the baked goods :stuck_out_tongue:

Tev’s list of people to kick in the nuts next time I see them:

  1. Matt
  2. Don
  3. ?


hahahahahahahahahah Matt’s gonna be sooo happy hes on the top of the list.

For reelz, thanks for calling me to go to Toronto you fuckface. BTW, When Sean says, “Kick in the nuts…” he means a gentle, repeated brush with his tongue.

I might go today to see Marco, I will call you later, relax :stuck_out_tongue:

Good luck in your new venture. Here is a pic for your scrapbook.

LOL! I see a picture of Don at LSPR. That was a good night, we all tried to fight alcohol…alcohol won :slight_smile: