What a terribly phenomenal combination!

Apple and VW discuss building iCar.

Market experts have estimated that a compact car upgraded with Apple products would be of substantial interest to young target groups, according to German financial magazine Capital.

No shit. They’ll probably sell a billion of them to their respective cult followings. :tup:

Well I can’t disagree, that is a match made in heaven.

The modern age Beetle

How will it drive and break with 1 pedal?

Hold down Shift + Gas

Rotate your foot clockwise vs counter clockwise on the pedal pad to brake or gas. The faster you rotate the faster you go/stop! BRILLIANT!

Hmmm… but what about the VTEK!?

:rofl: :lolham:

i-tec DUH

how much is an iTimingBelt?


I wonder if McGinnis will be an authorized tuner for this new creation since he <3’s Apple…

Won’t matter because it’s not going to work on the majority of the roads anyway. At least none of the ones you’d actually want to drive on.

There will be an option of having it emulate a normal car, and drive on normal roads, but then it will be only half as fast as a normal car.

Same as an iHeadGasket

Fucking ROFL This could go on for days.

but theres always a cruise night on the corner of photoshop street and safari blvd.


It’s going to be a bitch to have to send the car back to VW if you blow the motor…

It’s not a windshield it’s iSee!

I can just imagine the dealership, all the mechanics walking around in black t-shirs talking about how their car has never crashed

Leopard print bumper skins?

Works well out of the box, but you can’t mod it?

How is that different from any other VW currently on the market?

make sure to get the battery replacement plan on it…

Yep, so when the battery dies you can pack up the car, ship it back to VW, have them charge you three times what a battery should cost (or free with the plan), and then ship it back. Regardless of cost all this time you’re stuck taking the bus. The people that just have autozone or sears slap in a new battery are laughing at you, but they’re just not cool enough for the iCar.