What a way for a deer to go


Atleast he let him finish.

:rofl damn!

My Dad shot a 8 pointer this year in a similar situation. :rofl

Shit thats the way to go though


holy fuck ahahaha

thats what i kind of picture slowmaro sex like very lil movement heavy breathing and a lil flailing at the end!!

ahaahah @ hanks post

That is a fucking dick move by the hunter

ya true ! let the deer get some ass !

Wtf he did, he let the deer nut off in her THEN he busted a cap on his ass.

Nice shot too, dropped that thing like a peanut butter

should have shot the deer in the face immediately before climax.

that would have been a more realistic portrial of hoe life works

what do you mean similar? was he getting a blowjob?

It’s a long story but I’ll shorten it up, the buck was going to mount the doe and he shot at the doe (from like 400 yards) and missed, doe runs off in the woods and stops, the buck runs into a small patch of trees. My dad walks up the spot where he missed the doe to check for blood ect. Looks up and see the buck like 20 yards away or something, and shoots it. The story is similar because the buck didn’t want to run away because he really wanted to get some ass from the doe.

d00d your dad is always doing badass shit. He’s gotta have the best retirement life ever. Everytime I see him he’s involved in some type of badassery. :bow

:smiley: Yeah he used to hit coyotes at 400 yards all the time out the dining room window with the .223, but he’s starting to miss those long shots nowadays.

maybe he’s using the wrong .223 :wink:

Yeah, your AR would be perfect! He uses a single shot lever action, I think it has an adjustable Leopold scope on it though. The gun is stupid LOUD when he shoots it from inside the house!

lol i can imagine… its loud enough shooting from the damn back porch!