What a winter this year

Snow makes it possible for people like me to drift with stock cars :slight_smile:

I was gonna say something…but that would have just made me look like a total douche-nozzle.

no snow pwns!

I’d be happy if I didn’t buy those snow tires. lol

How can you say that?!?!

You have AWD?!?

Driving in snow in AWD >>>>>>>>>> driving in 36 degrees and rain

whats wrong with you guys, no snow means you can drive the good cars. why ain’t you guys cruizing or something? It’s been sunny here just about everyday. I’m so glad I got a house and put shit on hold for awhile to come here. :tup:

my car is in storage lol

Uh oh! Your left foot isn’t flicking up and down is it? If so then it’s almost time for this:

ohhh snap thats awesome

It’s an “All-America City.” It’s been discussed here (or UBRF) before.


Q) Why is the award called the “All-America City Award?” Why not All-American?
AAC) The All-America City Award program originated when a reporter from the Minneapolis Star Tribune (Jean James) asked the National Municipal League (now known as the National Civic League) leaders, “if we know enough about high school football players that we can pick an All-America team each year, why can’t we do the same for cities?” The Star Tribune at that time was published by Cowles publishing, who also published Look magazine. Look incidentally picked the All-America football team. NML leaders decided it was a good idea - and modeled the original Award after the All-America football program, even going so far as to call the winners a “team” and picking 11 winners.

A serendipitous feature of calling the award All-America and not All-American, that was explicitly recognized by the originators of the award (and continues to this date), is that AAC does not recognize the most patriotic, or most cosmetically “American” cities (you know, everyone has a flag on display, our gardens all have red, white, and blue flowers) but honors substance: citizen involvement leading to community improvement.

The Award’s founders felt that citizens working together represented what America stood for much more that merely planting a victory garden. As Charles Edison, the NML president at the time AAC was initiated, stated, “If we don’t make democracy work where neighbors share concrete problems and can talk about them over their own back fences, we’re certainly not going to keep it alive in Washington or make it work on a world scale. Only as a responsible member of a local community which handles its own problems creditably can the individual learn the lessons and develop the civic competence needed to make him a safe member of the larger world community.”

And as far as the snow? Someone else pointed it out… it’s only January. We’ve got at least 2 more months of snow. This is actually pretty common, as far as I recall. In fact, I think this thread could have been from last year. The same thing seems to happen every year, for every season. One bad day of Fall hits, we assume summer is over, but then we get a really warm week. One big snow storm hits and then we get a dry period followed by warmer air and rain. People get all antsy / excited and think that’s all we’ll see from Jack Frost. Not so fast, folks. I’m sure we’ll have huge piles of snow to shovel in the next week or 2. In fact, weather.com says it’ll be snowing today, tomorrow, and Sunday.

No snow really so far this year…I like it…

You are a huuuuuge pussy.

why would you buy an evo and not drive it year round? That’s the ONLY reason to buy one of these fucking things…if you want a 30K summer car, that’s why god invented used NSXs

maybe because he doesnt want it all rotted/rusted up 3 years??? I wouldnt drive a 30K car thru the winter… thats what 200.00 beaters are for

Salted roads last what 4 mo? So that’s $50/mo for a beater…OR $50/mo in car washes, which is 1 delta sonic superkiss (if you go that route) per week, and using their 5 day, that’s 8 washes a month, surely enough to keep the salt off the body panels (the undercar is sprayed from the factory)…so instead of driving a heap of shit…

Seriously fucktards who buy AWD cars (EVO, STi) only to store them in the winter and drive hunks of shit around instead of washing and buying tires need to figure out that the EVO & STi are just econoboxes that come modded from the factory.

Cars are not the same as 10-15years ago you don’t run into the same rot/rust issues…most cars are much better designed and a lot of cars are undercoated from the factory…

I bet simply washing a car once-twice a week you would have no probblems driving it thru multiple Buffalo winters.

oh… and I forgot about ice/snow on the car scratching the paint all to hell. not to mention rocks of salt all over the road doing a number on the front bumper/hood/windshield. Even if the sheet metal isnt a concern (which it should be, as seams tend to hold moisture)… you still have all kinds of metals under the hood/body that arent protected againt rust (and dont even get me started about what salt and water does to carpeting). If it doesnt bug you… more power to you. But if I just bought a 30K car brand new, youd bet your ass I’d be storing it keeping it looking good as possible.

shit, I have a 15K dollar car that I put away. Spending 30K dollars to prematurely beat the snot out of it just doesnt make sense to me. Sure its probably alot of fun in the snow… but I’d keep it as a summer toy myself. Then again, I work damn hard for everything I have… so maybe I’m just more inclinded to keep it nicer, longer (not saying that you dont work hard for yours)

hell… if it’s just your beater/daily driver… thats one thing. but if it’s your project car and dumping tons of $$$ into it… why in the world would you want to expose it to that?

see sig /

AGREED. I would never drive a beater over the winter when our winters are long just to enjoy my nice car 2-3 months a year. Keep it clean. I wash my cars religiously in the winter, and never have had rust. Ever.

i just got nice chromie hubcaps for my prizm and you dont see me putting that away for the winter :gotme: If you got it, flaunt it :pimp:

Eh, my car is a 1995. It has been driven through every single winter since it was born, and has never been repainted. And the paint looks awesome still.

So the whole, winter driving kills cars arguement doesn’t hold much water.

Now, I can understand putting away a RWD car simply because straight RWD isn’t the greatest in the snow. Unless it is a BMW…