What are some common misconceptions...

That really bother you?

The one where people think that while engaging in illegal activities, if the other party is an undercover cop, if you ask them that they have to announce that they in fact are.


And if you’re wondering what information that you hold dear that might be wrong, you may find it here.


people have to be mirandarized the second they are arrested. people have to answer cops questions. if you have nothing to hide you should cooperate with cops and not care if they search your shit. cops know all the laws and don’t just make shit up to fuck with you.

pretty much anything to do with people not knowing laws and taking cops word for it.

when people call a pontiac 400 a big block. Its the same size block from 326 to 455 externally . Same size block fuckers.

Vlad discovers Reddit. Vlad reposts threads in Shift with either the OP itself, or one of the top comments.

Easy button to provide content, gj comrade.

That fog “burns off” especially when weather men use the term.

pit bulls being naturally mean and aggressive dogs.

Could be the first good post you’ve made…

Skid kid’s rep went from three bars red to two bars green. I sense cheating. You didn’t earn that.

The idea that body/paintwork is cheap

all gasoline is created equal, 93 will make more power in every engine, ethanol is good for the economy, if we had no guns everyone would be safe from harm, all fuel/fluid additives are snake oil products…to keep it short: everything grinds my gears.

George Washington was the first president of the united states…

not… 8th // sorta

Washington was the first president of the United States under the Constitution of 1789… but the United States declared its independence 13 years before that. In 1777, the Congress adoped the Articles of Confederation, which were ratified by the states in 1781. Later that year, this new legislative body convened and elected John Hanson “President of the United States in Congress Assembled.” Hanson had been a member of the Maryland assembly and the Continental Congress, where he played a key role in convincing Maryland to adopt the Articles of Confederation (Maryland was the only state opposed.) Washington sent Hanson a letter of congratulations on his “appointment to fill the most important seat in the United States.”

George Washington was the first president of the United States. He was not the 8th president of the continental congress. See now that doesn’t have to bother you any more.

People who drive captive imports and think they “bought American”.

I did some work at a Toyota plant in mississippi. They were using a mix of US based product suppliers and international including their own. The cool thing was that they were building a steel plant next door for the raw material supply. The chassis and sheetmetal are now american made with american steel. Engines and transmissions were made in various other US based plants as well. Employees were 90% american.

Aside from the company itself, one could argue and compare that the “american” car you bought is just as “import” as your ford, dodge etc.

I know from my Toyota training programs at the dealership they have a lot of American plants now. I was referring more to Geo/Chevy Prisms, Metros, Chevy Aveo(Volt?), the cars bought by American companies rebadged and resold.

Air conditioning and refrigeration systems that just need to be “topped off” or “recharged”.

There is a leak.

that ******* have the biggest dicks

^^^just literally pissed my self:rofl