What are you currently eating?


Tony’s Cheese Pizza

Frosted Mini Wheats, not breakfast, dinner. Going to bed soon.

Christmas Cookies!!

Vitamin C…think I’m getting a cold.

old paint chips

krammmmersssssssssssss mom


Banana, and cold pizza.

eggs, hardboiled.
green peas

Lunch was tuna salad on romaine, a hard boiled egg, couple slices of tomato.

Breakfast was 3 sausage patties, cottage cheese, and an apple.

Dinner will be something chicken related, I’m sure.

I love meat.

Lunch was glass of Cabernet with cheese and crackers, dinner will most likely be prime rib with a glass of merlot, than some cognac later this evening while I finish my knitting project.

heheh, dude, planning to dutch oven somebody?

I lol’d.

I’ve heard that about you! :lol

chick fil a :slight_smile:


nope not bullshit… chicken nuggets and waffle fries with honey mustard and Sweat Tea…

Im so proud of this thread. Its come so far, and has the potential to grow. I want to thank all the little people that made this possible.

Steak and cheese wrap and some fried mushrooms for dinner.