What are you doing for Valentine's Day?

Valentine’s Day is Feb. 14, just a 3 days away. Almost everyone has a great Valentine’s Day story or two (be it a “best ever” or a “worst ever” - feel free to share either way), and some people start planning for it months in advance. And then of course, there are those who think of Valentine’s as just another Hallmark Holiday, used to separate their money from their wallets… Question: What are your plans for Valentine’s Day this year?

taking her to dinner at PF changs then a movie. pretty simple lol

Uhhhh, why that place? So you can both feel like shit in the movies? lolol
Cheesecake ftw!

I’ll be in Az with my girlfriend for the next 5 days, thats my present to her. :excited


getting married in october… she gets NOTHING for the rest of the year

Hollywood brown derby or Apertivo

Is anybody selling anything in here? DUMB.

We are going to a NASCAR party with my whole family… pretty romantic.

Pizzaria Uno After Work !

might as well go to Paesan’s

How romantic Floppy. :tongue

Miami and the Bahamas next week. That’s our present to each other.

yeahh for whatever reason she likes that place, lol

Ill be drunk at the valentines day bash

ill be jerking off with my tears.

Ill be going out to dinner with deadbeat

this time ur paying.

drinking, q103 radio contest, more drinking, etc.

Okay. Well go to Koto. Sean and his lover want to come to. Double date

Oh sweet koto