What are you doing for Valentine's Day?

fuckkkk youuu, that was my response.

ur in vagina with ur girl.

So muscles where you taking me

He’s taking me Sean, he’s even taking the z06 out for the occasion

Whoa I dont think so pal

whoa guys, theres enough of me to go around.

Just beware of heffalumps

Yeah heffalumps can be dangerous

heffalumps slob knob son!

They may try and bite it off

feed them b4 the slobing of ze knob and ur stright.

Ohhhhh well played my friend well played

Where’s the party

Umm hatefields possibly

Ok, hopefully there will be hot willing single depressed ladies there

You bringing em? Work your magic over at SUNY

I’m posting signs with hatfields address and “VALENTINES DAY PARTY!” all around campus

do werk!

took amanda to the melting pot last night, her engagement ring was her gift for the year

You wont do it