What area dealerships are the most generous with trades?

Yeah, things are looking bleak for selling the BMW, it’s looking like I may have to trade in both the 323 and my new si to lower (consolidate) my payments into one lower payment. i obviously know i’m going to be rolling over negative equity which kills me, but i’m not going to live paycheck to paycheck just so i can have two vehicles while footing all of my mortgage and utes by myself.

so cliffnotes: what dealerships are going to help me out the most with my trades? anyone on here a salesman?

i work at Basil Toyota, we take in trades for all the money…more i think than we should quite often…If you want a toyota or a used vehicle let me know, i can get you an idea…call me at work my name is chuck 625-8444


what dealerships are going to help me out the most with my trades? anyone on here a salesman?


Dealerships? :mamoru:

Help… :biglaugh: YOU?! :rofl:

Definitely having a friend on the inside is your best bet, and even then you may not get far. It’s gonna be tough if you are just trying to have them take the car and you aren’t buying something in the process.

i know i have zero hookups unfortunately. i will probably end up trading both cars in on something different because i know i would get killed by just having a dealership buy one of my cars.

Are you negative on both?

affirmative, it’s not a good situation.

i may just tap into my savings to make payments on both until i can sell the e46. or maybe i can get a roommate.

Ouch. No dealership is going to be able to help you much there. Any “deal” they make you has to make them money, and being negative on both you’re just going to come out deeper in the hole.

Learn from your mistake, stop buying/trading cars every 2 months, and work on paying one down enough to sell it and pay off the loan. It may mean accepting a short term loss by selling it for less than you paid, but if you can get out from under the loan it’s money you can then put toward the other car payment.

The Civic was new right? Keep that one because you’ve already taken the big new to used hit, and as a Honda it should hold it’s used car value well while being reliable transportation.

i understand that, but i had almost no intentions of buying a house, something just came up that was too good to pass on.

in all honesty, i could afford both the house and the cars and all the garbage with them, i would just be in a lot more comfortable position without having to make two car payments every month. bottom line is the bmw has to go, and i’m getting to a point where i will just take the highest offer on it just so it’s gone.

How much are you looking for on the E46

Did you put the e46 on Bimmerforums? I am sure for 9k it would sell pretty fast.

Mike Barney gave me $6500 trade-in for a 6 year old Jetta with over 100k miles and at least a half dozen problems. Autoplace would only go to $6000, and West Herr stopped at $4000.

But yeah if your problem is debt you aren’t going to fix it with more debt. Good luck.

where did you buy a house?

negotiate. plain and simple. if they really want the sale you can name your reasonable price. if you go in looking like a person that never bought a car and say yes to everything the dealer says, your done. you should negotiate the cost of the car completely independent to the trade. in the dealers mind its a teater toter, if the loose money on the trade they will make it on the car.


Did you put the e46 on Bimmerforums? I am sure for 9k it would sell pretty fast.


it would probably sell here for about 9k, hmmm I wonder if anybody offered him 9k for it here already?

upside down in two cars, yet “make too much money to drive this”

make it 10 and it’s yours

If you trade in 2 cars you are gonna get killed, you are almost better off selling them and using a Credit card cash advance to make up the difference.(which is 2nd to worst thing you could do to get out of a financial Jam)


the best thing you could do is sell them but if you cannot then you can trade them in and lower your payments you will just end up driving a smaller, maybe not so loaded car. You need to decide whether your financial situation or your “coolness” is more important and you are the only one who can do that.

I have worked in a car dealership my whole life and I run a GM store now so if you need help or advice don’t hesitate to ask.