What car did you learn to drive in?

when i was like 10 i drove my dads old stratus in the yard, then when i was 16 i was driving dads 01 eclipse and took my road test in my 92 acclaim, after that blew up i bought the 91 sentra and it was whatevs, i knew how to drive stick cause of riding quads and shit, that same clutch was swapped into the 94 after that oem clutch burnt out

when i was really young i used to load the racecars on and off the trailers and drive them in the garage for my step dad b4 and after the races with him pointing whitch way to turn because i was to short to see over the dash.

91 pontiac sun bird

When I was like 14 I had to move my dads 92 Chevy 1500 (manual) from the field to it’s parking spot. Yeah, I stalled like 15 times.

But actually LEARNED to drive? A 1990 Geo Storm (auto). My first car.

When I got my permit I learned to drive in an auto Tiburon. I learned to drive a manual in the Z.

Suzuki Samurai

My Civic that I still have to this day. We’ve been through so much together lol:hug

I miss the Sammy. That thing was the best!

Thing was and still is a legend. My fondest memory of that is when you were giving me a ride home sophomore year… we were sitting behind a bus dropping kids off, and some hot girl gets off the bus. You go “and this is what we do for hot girls” and proceed to lay a patch as she looks at us with the :wtf face :rofl hahah.

1996 black ford explorer. took my roadtest in it and the old lady DMV instructer could barely get in it

i actually got my vehicle before i could drive and learned on it…http://static.howstuffworks.com/gif/chevrolet-camaro-1984-1.jpg

…a 1985 camaro berlinetta 305 auto :ninja:rofl


I wish I had -rep left :rofl

lol a 305 auto camaro faglinetta

ya well my fondest memory in that truck as gettin driven to work everyday instead of having to walk my ass lol :banana

some sorta mercury tracer wagon thing, something or other. like a late 80s or early 90s

Baller status right here…:rofl

:rofl:rofl it was green and automatic.

had a dodge shadow turbo for like 3 months then sold it, so I guess I learned on a 94 subaru legacy wagon.

As far as stick goes, I learned on my Integra, AFTER I bought it.

