What did you do at your WORK today?

yeah joey you SHOW 'em who’s boss with dem new wiperzz


actually, Lance put them on, that’s why he said that:rofl

teflon coated… wipin rain like obama’s wipin the national debt

You took a shit at work today Lance. That’s what you did.

haha, actually the driver side one was smearing the water on the way up and clearing it on the way down. Good install job, ya fuck.


yeah and I would’ve shit in your mouth if you were there…

if you’re into that, anyway

When you call Lance out on taking a shit, touchy subject:rofl
and when he farts, get…the…fuck…out

This is the pic of what I did for the the last week at my work. I built, and overclocked my new home gaming pc at work. So far i hit 4.6Ghz on air cooling.

That’s a good 3dmark score !

I’ve been “checking emails” (read: shift) until 6:45am. I better go and actually do something! :lol

Made a bunch of phone calls, sent out some e-mails and finished a proposal for a meeting with a client later this afternoon.

:slight_smile: I figured you or Singh would appreciate it!

Whats up with the RAM though?? Just 2 gigs and 2T command rate? I always try and run it at 1T.

Yeah I am running xp so no need for 3 or more gb’s. I also didnt do anything on the ram end of the project yet. I only set the voltage and loaded in the default clocks/and command rate as spec’d from the manufacture. I will try to tighten up the clocks and try 1t soon.

had some green tea. checked emails. sent out some emails. made some calls. took the tahoe to get the valve stem replaced. got back and im here now.

Read a book…

did a few service washes, a couple new car washes and 2 complete details. then I sat around for the rest of the day cause I had nothing else to do.

hit some golf balls, sold some golf clubs, got the shop cleaned up for our sale this weekend, stripped some clubs for regrips, sold a few more sets of irons then hit some more golf balls then went home.

drove in circles for maybe 3 hours then sat on the computer for the rest!!

tough life you got there payne