What did you do to your car today?


drove the BALLS off of it. thanks to all who helped. you know who you are… spinning 3rd at 50-60 sucks. :ohnoes
need more tire. thats at a modest pump gas level.

finally got a new painted drivers side fender to replace the one that was hit twice!

realized there is something fucked up with my clutch. Now me and the mad scientist are gonna have to pull the tranny.

ya did know the t/b was wasted in it ,now ya gotta deal wit it

mid-low 12s on slicks is my educated guess, if you drive the fuckin wheels off that thing

not with the cobra…with the other car.

Helped jeff all day work on the terminator…then hit up lake george.

way to let me know.

we figured your tires were too bald for the trip lolllll

thats mature

should be quicker than that.



run that bitch!

yeah too bad you guys ran into problems on the way up!

next time you guys come over to the apartment we might have to get a few games of pong goin!

oh and i put a new fender on the beater/daily and polished/waxed the whole thing!

beat on it for a little while ,sucks without the tune i keep hittin rev limiter but it goes like a mofo.according to the g/tech right now its a 12.7 car we will see shortly

So everything other than the computer is ok now?

i need your slicks.:shifty

broke the wind sheild wiper arm. :ahh