What did you do to your car today?


dash looks niiice. headliner looks good too :shifty

Let’s see were do i begin. hhmm. 8o’clock this morning caliper seized up on truck. screeching to an halt!!!

2:33 pm blew up trailblazer on the thruway.!!! Motor go bye bye !!!
BEEN A DAM GOOD DAY !!! How’s ur monday been ???

Probably a good thing you didnt get on the quad today too then, right?

lowered it finally.

That was sat in the rain i raised hell thru the neighbor hood:thumbup

Thermal Research exhaust

Fitment looks like shit :rofl

fits good lafail.

ha its got some readjusting to do still , I am waiting for a new exhaust sleeve so It’ll be apart and put on probably again .

what size?

Thermal makes amazing stuff, how’s it sound mang?

2.5 , still not catted but has resonator on it . Sounds A LOT quieter then the past exhaust . Picked it up on tex

Sounds pretty quiet at idle.

go to the dealer and get it, im guessing youre talking about the sleeve clamps.

post an audio/video clip please

drove it, making my driving record 2 out of the past 5 or 6 days lol

Yea , the previous was from the dealer .I just ordered one yesterday from ecstuning.I was debating on the dealer or not . Thought I would of been raped with the price.

I noticed with this exhaust I have more torque then the previous one. Probably cause the other one was leaking badly.

Spun 2nd


butt dyno is deceptive. and dealer price isnt bad for the WANT IT NOW.