What did you do to your car today?

i figured the sooner i get out of the lane the less of a hazard i am. cuz im not moving, im on the shoulder and theres less risk of things breaking and falling off the car and under people behind me that are moving 70mph

I realllyyyyy don’t think people on the side of the road are hazards you idiots.

Dukes of Hazard

it was clearly a fucking joke twatmuffin :facepalm

Its waiting on parts. You were on here when all you had was a stock 14 year old Thunderbird so dont give me some bullshit.

My POS should be faster than your 13 second Civic.

Soon to be 12 second* and yes I know I had a pos thunderbird. The point is, I started a project and with the help of friends of course… I finished the fucker in two weeks. You seem to be lolli gagging 24/7. Youve had the car for monthhhhs so I am going to give you bullshit.

Hey kevin when are you gonna run again and shoot for 12’s

a few weeks, I probably won’t be home till saturday this coming weekend and I have to do some tuning with my master tuner

I cant wait to start fooling with kpro. Should be here monday.

Actually Ive had the car almost 3 years and drove it less than 6 combined months.
Some of it is a money issue, some of it is me being lazy, some is telling the guy working on to take his time and telling him to finish some other projects first and some of it is me not caring.

Ive been down the friends helping out path before. I got fucked. Like when my good friend was going to do all the bodywork and paint for $600 and I bought $900 worth of materials and supplies and he did about a day’s work on it in two weeks, got a job working somewhere else and bailed on me. His dad said he’d finish it and after me taking it apart and putting it together, him doing a shitty job and me putting it back together he still charged me $2600 (plus the $900 in materials and a spray gun and a hammer and dolly set) and its already rusting, the paint has dry spots and runs in it too. That ordeal took 6 months.

should of hired joe jigs… he cared more about my car than I did

Yah no doubt… i dunno if youve done any research on it, but lance is realll good with it now

Sucks dude. I know all too much about the time/money deal.

Some “friends”…

I really dont want highschool kids touching my car

and we’re still good friends.

That doesn’t make sense. If someone fucked me over I sure as hell wouldn’t want to be friends with them.

Well he did apologize about it and it was more so his dad fucking me over.

Your thought process is quite interesting.

I don’t get it…I wouldn’t want high school kids touching my shit either.

Why? If someone knows there shit, they know there shit. His methods of work are a whole other ball game.