What did you do to your car today?

Id like to get a Ford with a Cummins too. The Dodge trucks are complete POS’s. My brother has alot of issues with his Dodge and its already rusting and its an '05. Ive seen other Rams the same year with no cab corners or rockers left.

Why are you on shift… go finish your car or junk the thing.

now with 200% more images!

any videos?

<shakes head> i was driving. no passengers. had to kinda hold the car on the road.

u were still driving when it popped?

for a few feet, i had to slow down and pull over


when it pops you STOP.

i did stop. i cant instantly stop 5000lbs of car in the left lane. i had to slow down and get onto the shoulder. 0 damage to the rim, so its okay.

oh jeez

oh jeez what? i put on the flashers and stopped right quick. i dont think i did anything wrong.

you should’ve pulled into a parking lot so you weren’t being a menace on the side of the road…

i’m NOT driving on 3 wheels a mile+ to the next exit, plus i was far on the right shoulder.

from the way youre explaining it, you sound like you were being a hazard on the highway…

your wheels are less important than other driver’s safety. waiting for the next exit would have been the better choice. oh well, live and learn. just be thankful that no one was hurt and that no police officers were around

i guess it was a bit of a hazard for the two seconds it took me to get to the shoulder. it was early morning so not many cars were out yet. but i didnt just swerve into traffic. i think if i kept going and smashed my rim to bits THAT woulda been a bigger hazard with all the metal chunks on the road? pretty much everyone behind me would have had 4 peirced tires. i GTFO out of the way asap.

you just dont get it do you

was i supposed to keep driving on 3?

yup. 2 if you had to