What did you do to your car today?

+1 joe jiggs has ase certification in 6 categories. He helps me with my bigger projects and when he is tamed and calm he is a fantastic mechanic. I would have him do everything like kramer but i enjoy doing work on the car myself.

Id vouche for him anytime.

Edit: Kramer not trying to call you out. I know your new to the DIY shit and dont really have many tools. BTW do you have my 1/2 ratchet from when i brought it for joe jiggs?

:facepalm :lol

Well dude you dont do much. Ive edited that post because you are trying to learn.

i dont care if you edit the post or not it doesnt really matter. i do what i can (which isn’t all that much) and watch/learn/help as the jiggles does the rest.

theres time where i try to do work and jiggs says “shut up” and pushes me out of the way and does it himself :lol

maybe you should quit acting like a tool. :ponder

but some pointless bullshitting online is a bit different than having to take a toilet out of your truck.

don’t do it Lance just call him an asshole

I’ll just buy an evo so he thinks I’m cool

yeah man, do it! internet warrior! woo!!!

Hello pot, would you like to meet my friend kettle?

lmao the shit talking is priceless


so is your sweet succulent ass

Why thank you kind sir

dude dont thank me, you just made it gay.

Took a toilet off the roof of it and a vacuum off my hood…

nah im not an internet warrior bro, if i got a problem, ill go right to the source.



Thats strange some one stole a toilet and vacuum from my house

pulled the alternator out. what a PITA. i’d rather do an oil pump…