What did you do to your car today?

Threw some spacers on it and killed the water pump this morning.

ordered a skid plate,installed my G60 rear flares, and did some general cleaning/painting on the bay, still have a long way to go to get it up to my standards.




Well for whatever reason you have a problem with me. Sorry I don’t have a cool enough car for you to swing on.

youre a moron.

but anyway, dave, i didnt realize that had a Schrick on it… sell that thing $$$$$$

^ :rofl @ Brett

I smell Vrnightmare

Is the strut bar going back on?

lets hope not

no, it clutters up the bay and ive never felt any difference.

Then you arent driving fast enough duh

i drive slow, so i just made it low.

Good idea

Pushed the brake pedal to the floor and avoided drowning my car by about 5 feet. Half asleep + rushing to work + flooded development = near fail

= funny :rofl

Did it yesterday, but changed its oil.

Pulled the radiator, drive belts/pulleys and about to take off the timing cover to do the water pump.

tires again, wash it.

Put my new exhaust mani and turbo on and swapped wheels.

fabbed up a new intake

changed the oil

ordered a 500 dollar timing set for the piece of shit,yes and its no diff than stock