What did you do to your car today?

she was in the kitchen taking a shower while doing the dishes or something though.

so she set herself up for it.

how come i dont have cute females cleaning my car interior? Benny, whats ur secret, what do you bribe them with?

my curiously strong penis

“curiously strong”?
tilts head to the side eh?

I can alter it’s angle of attack in any direction, as well as twist it around itself so as to increase girth for the loosey gooseys

i thought you meant it like

that too

new pertronix flame thrower billet distributer MSD blaster 2 coil and new 14guage wiring from ignition switch! tonight timing :frowning: I hate setting timing…

really thought that was a spam post for a second.

I really thought your post was sarcasm for a second.

put new remz on it yesterday.

i want to see, Pete


no vids. pics later maybe.

i asked cuz i didnt see a “Pete’s car build thread” in the projects section being updated, so i aked for pics here.

yea i don’t have a build thread. i never did and never will:lol

just some pics here and there, thats all

im just playin with ya vot-vot

i’d definitely want to see and read a “Pete’s car build thread” though. Idk much on diesels, but i’d like to learn some stuff.

I know they dominate hypermilaging competitions over hybrids.

As for me I haven’t done jack shit to my car lately. I might hose it off this afternoon.

If my car was available in diesel in the US, i’d be so all over that one, i’d be on that like white on rice