What did you do to your car today?

made my bay paint prettttttyy

i put on my kustom plates

dropped it off at inline

Removed the bumper to adjust the intercooler. Haven’t mounted the bumper back on yet, probably won’t :lol

Laduke status.

I was thinking the same thing :facepalm

Modded my airbox to bypass the resonator. I was hoping for more induction noise, but I got a more bassy engine note instead which I’m digging. VTEC transition is also more pronounced. Not sure if that’s just due to the colder temps though.

Most likely due to whatever intake/exhaust modification you made. With an exhaust and intake, VTEC gets a noticeably more aggressive crossover.

i looked at it ,anticipating doin motor this weekend

nice, i did that on my altima, same thing, deeper intake note with more pronounced variable intake dealio

Truck got new suspension all the way around. minus leaf springs. and waterpump. (to be installed soon)

Car - just hit a deer on the way home. :rofl man i wish i had jons deer catcher.

Ouch. Hope the car isn’t too bad.

I’m starting to see deer in places that I never thought I would. They’re everywhere.

took the air flow meter off, cleaned the shit out of it, replaced o2 sensor the other night, tore everything out of the interior… wired up for a new system…

tested the potentionmeter , cleaned out the fuel distributor , tuned the timing even further along with the air / fuel mixture, its so out of whack its not even funny :rofl

running a bit better but this damn potentionmeter has to be broke, either that or the AFM but its fine…LOL i dont know

jerry rigged the icv :smiley:

trying to solve this issue

flap doesnt open enough im starting to seriously think its the potentionmeter

what the fuck jalopy is that

the 400 dollar 190 :rofl

i’ll get it ! im so close its one of two parts at this point, its come along way already and i only spent a total of like 45-50 bucks

Singh are you going to take this beast out in the winter and drift into poles and such? :rofl

he better!

we have to get stuck at 3am again… what a fun night that was

Took advantage of the lack of police coverage in my town and powershifted wheelies until I got to the airport.

why yes, yes i am

im excited i think this thing will drift mad good… we’ll see :lol