What did you do to your car today?

I grabbed a sweatshirt and cd out of it last night.

Changed the oil in the truck, washed it, cleaned and vacuumed the interior and washed the windows.

pjb doin werk

yeah and then I read the paper and saw the forecast for rain. Fuck.

Yup. I was going to wash my car until I heard that. Shame, it was gorgeous out and I was still drunk-ish from the night before.

Seems like the only way I can get myself to do anything to my car anymore is by being under the influence. :rofl

'92 - put battery in, started for the first time in 2 weeks. Drove to dnd. put $3 in gas to get home and did a smokey burnout. :slight_smile:

'89 - Took more interior stuff out… need a garage thats not a mess/has a friends car in it. :frowning:

I don’t believe it… Pics or it didn’t happen

I punched my little plastic horn button until it disappeared. Good thing I got 2

Washed the new beater, it’s almost as good as my Olds 88 :lol

screw off

Updated sig with new car plz :stuck_out_tongue:

it looks too sad to put in my sig

Updatedz minez

me too steven

oh you didnt

Registered. Insured. Put the seatbelt and passenger seat back in. Metro is ready for the wife and the winter.

Took photos with it Sat night and visited it in the body shop again this morning… Should get her back Thursday :slight_smile:

i did that to the power lock button on my parents old firebird.

It was slow as shit but was fun to drive in the snow. haha

ask steve (mcflurry) he was in the car :lol

Weird how I mention buttons sticking… the volume up button on my steering wheel is stuck down now :rofl