What did you do to your car today?

I know :frowning: Things normally come in 3s though so hopefully this is the last of it!!

women drivers s

Chris watch it… I’ll bake you for too long the next time you tan!!!


took the A4 to Langan for a CEL. 2 hours later, no charge, CEL gone and the car is washed. Langan+warranty FTMFW


Definitely a nice change of pace to have repairs covered, I’ll tell you that much

Nice Ned! How long is the warrantee good for again?

I take full advantage of my powertrain warranty, so I know how you feel.

It’s a beautiful thing to have.

Its covered with the manufacturer’s warranty for 4 years/ 50k. In other words, only like 4 more months lol

installed some HIDs on the sentra…

mostly cuz i do most of my driving on dark suburban roads at night…i felt it was a needed upgrade…

Put the new registration on the truck’s windshield. Maybe it will last more than 3 days this time?

I also put wheel bearings on the quad.

Started taking the front end apart :frowning:

you too? :thumbup

Walmart parking lot for zee donuts, Then took the motherfuckingpieceofshit off the road :excited
Engine comes out monday, shell is getting towed to my dads.
Let the rebuild begin :number1

Romped on it.

got my school folder out of it so i can do hw

for what, hvcc? :lol

happy valley yup

Selling the Jetta, TOMORROW. I got a guy looking at it, around 5. If he doesn’t buy, someone please buy my wife’s 2.slow lol