wow… the lettering came out awesome
400 grit
looks good. why did you only do 1 bung?
It’s 1 -10, which I think the usual is 2 -8’s, but Paul said it’d be fine with one -10…however, I was thinking that today I should’ve done two just to be safe.
Oh well…Mike had none on his 508whp, so I think I’ll be guud.
I just vacuumed most of the mud from yesterday out of it. If it wasnt supposed to rain tonight I wouldve washed it too.
I set the rev limiter to 3000rpm and let my friend take my car to the store, because his is parked way in the back of campus and mine is right next to the library where we are.
Comes back 5 minutes ago:
“I think there’s something wrong with your car. It kept hesitating when I gave it gas”
Rebuilt passenger’s side front axle. Timing belt, Water pump, cam seals, crank seal, tensioner, serpentine belt.
But they sent me the wrong fucking valve cover seal(SOHC instead of DOHC), so now i gotta wait another 4 days for that. My headers and intake are in the mail though, so that’s good.
got the rear pinion seal replaced and had the fluid changed in the rear end tonight. No more leak.
thought about it, and contemplated pissing on the wheels
1 should be plenty. That’s a lot of blow by for such small displacement if you really needed 2
You should have a bung on the turbo inlet to suck the gasses out of the crank case and supply some vacuum. IMO
The drop in power from slightly contaminated intake air would be made up for with better ring seal.
Honda spent a lot of time designing a very positive crank case evac system and everyones first mod is to bypass it with a cold air intake and a stupid breather filter. It kills me!
What did I do today. I drove my car to work, Washed it in my Ambulance bay, Tuned a few white towels a burnt orange color cleaning wheels, then I found five bucks… True story!
idk what the usual is but mine and Brooks is 2 -10’s, mike didnt run any on his red car and he ended up blowing the dipstick out and oil started to blow out around his valve cover gasket. Like Paul said you will be fine but i went with 2 because its that “better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it” sorta thing
Youre more than fine Joey. It looks alot cleaner with the one. A tight built motor like a factory Honda doesn’t need a crutch for piston ring blow by and crack case pressure. Big clearance forged engines with low tension rings are a different issue.
Ill trade you
washed it. cleaned the seats. rinsed off the floor mats, put on new locks on wheels, took some pics.
fitment fail. space them the fuck out
oh, i know, i know! thats my next step. I’m going to get in the fenders and trim off some of the fender lining edge away and then measure for spacers and order those. prolly goin to need some new bolts too. one step at a time, sir.
spacers! clear corner mod, OEM GRILLE!!! that badgless one sucks! REVERSE RAKE FAIL.