What did you do to your car today?



jigs did work

I have never seen Jigs with clean hands therfore he did not touch that motor


yea BS

LOL’d HARD :rofl

Ok ok. Real reason for engine removal.

Lowered rear tire pressure to 10PSI in an effort to increase traction. Drove car at base boost, and saw tire smoke in the rear view as I feathered the throttle from 60. Will be raising the rear ride height an inch once I gain the motivation to place the vehicle on jackstands. Thinking next Tuesday.

Those are not your fingers

walked by the civic after 57 beers, relized it was there, and smiled


tried drinking 33 beers and realized travis is full of shit because if this is in any reasonably short amount of time there’s no way you can count that many and remember the total.

then I walked past my car, kicked it, and went back into work to post this.

Subaru’s are droppin like flys all over the US

yeah, thing spins silly in 3rd gear :ahh

properties of the photo are “06sti”

Actually gained the motivation to raise up the back. Still needs to settle…traction was better but still activated traction control in 3rd. Beginning to think that the drag radials are damaged from excessive heat (too much highway use for the M/Ts). I seem to remember the current tires hooking WAY better when they were new…

I can fit 315 BFG’s on my current rims, seriously just thinking about taking that route. Never had any heat issues with them on the Supra’s, and they hooked very well. I can fund the mini-tub job no problem, but not sure how MUCH better a 345 is gonna hook than a 315. Opinions?

get the M&H radials!

If a sticky 345 wont hook, you’re fucked :rofl

Thing is, is that excessive highway use (example, me driving down to Albany) damages the sticker tires. Never had that problem with BFG’s and took them on similar trips.

excessive street driving like that is known to fuck with some DRs, so I hear you there.

Yep, found that out the hard way. I’m gonna go to the BFG 315’s. 650 a pair for them…or ~3500 total for minitub to go to a 345. “Worst” case, I’ll just find a used CCW dragpac (they sell for 1500 with tires often), and put the stock wheels/tires back on for the rare times that the car leaves town.