What did you do to your car today?


how is that facepalm dude? sure the zip ties are a little over the top but it will look fine when i clip them off

beat on it mercilessly to make sure the diff will hold up, going ok so far, feelsgoodman.

Haven’t driven it in…hmmm probably 4 or 5 days.

heres the lip i made, once the zip ties are gone it will be ballin

just busting your ballz brahhhh

keep the ties!! lol

as of now they are still there, i may clip them or let them wear down lol

let them just wear, they look awesome. double rainbow action!!!

It’s been an ongoing battle for the last 2 years. I should have just had it welded to begin with, but oh well.

Today - drove it to school and admired the stock quietness of the exhaust. Finally.

Then the gas light came on.

Farted in it this morning and took the other car to work instead.

Was it because of the fart smell?

Must be nice. Mine sounds like a bag of smashed assholes, and Im sick of it.

Dude, you have no idea. It’s a little louder and throatier than stock when the motor is under load with the a/c on, but it doesn’t sound bad for a 2 liter I4.

Cruising at highway speeds is finally stock quiet again, and that’s what I wanted.

Heard the wastegate dump, love it! :lol

Then proceeded to crack the bumper, all ziptied now haha

lol that didnt last long

Yeah kinda bummed, didn’t even get a good picture of it all nice and mint.

got the 55 inspected so she is legal for another year. adjusted the brake actuating rod again. updateing to power disks has proven to be a PITA in adjusting things over and over again. also got the 6x9 installed in the doors and 12 inch sub workin nice in the trunk. just need to find me a rap cd now!

Rebuilt my front bumper :lol

Proceeded to roast the fuck out of the tires, love it

installed my cd player, instead of silence i get to listen to music out of shitty speakers…its almost just as annoying as driving in silence