What did you do to your car today?

that sucks abd a truck is stupid 4 u

just part of owning/driving a fullsize truck. I love my truck and Im not getting rid of it so Ive just gotta deal with it.

In the summer it gets 15-16 mpg.

Last night after work i put my steelies on. Froze the sh*t outta mt hands! Gotta get a wheel alighnment today! Theres always something!

i do that twice a week lolol . the camaro the bill is higher as i run c-16 and 93 uuuggghhhhh

Yeh if the timing didn’t jump you musta overreved it

99% certain it was an over rev since my transmission doesnt grab gears frequently

It’s totally possible with a truck.

I was getting gas every 5 days in my Tundra. $75 a fill up at the time. I drive easily 80 miles a day for work/etc.

TDI has been the best purchase ever. Filling up every 10 days or so now. :thumbup

put the batt in the mr2 and she fired right up! gonna be putting my cheapy rims today after work so i can drive it when its nice enough.

restitched the front bumper on the camry cuz dad drove it nto a curb somewhere and popped ever single zip tie on it.

Painted the intake manifold. Needs clear still. Pics to come soon.

Damn, I couldnt afford filling up twice a week.
I run 93 in the Mustang but the last time I put gas in it I just put 87 from USA in it.

Luckily I dont drive it much because its worse on gas than the truck.

LOF and put the fumoto drain valve in. but didnt get to put the oil temp and pressure sensors in =[ need to buy relocator kits, fuck…

Popped the clutch out of the car wash bay and took off wide open down Central Ave, powershifting into 2nd gear like the transmission owes me money.

you are a ricer

also a homosexual

don’t forget alcoholic

cant forget this too:


Got 'EM

what about a coke-ritalin-antidepresant-stunter ?
