What did you do to your car today?

lets swap rears this weekend

paul, just buy jeff’s off him since its coming out of his car anyways

yeah, if he doesnt want a million bucks for it

you dont even drive your car is it is anyways and when you do, you bitch about how much you hate it.

It would be annoying as hell to watch you bitch all the time about how you spent money and time on installing the irs and how you still hate the car.

21 even.

and it comes with a kenne bell mammoth, right? :wink:

I drove my car quite a bit last summer and then blew the clutch and stopped driving it. Now its fucked up and I havent taken it out for the winter.

IRS is something Ive thought about as part of a handling over haul. Probably wont happen but Ive considered an IRS swap as well as a front handling package. Im kinda bored with straight line 1/4 mile racing and want something that handles corners and winding roads.

My car handles about as well as a dump truck with a full load right now. My 4x4 truck handles so much better.

then sell your car then paul.

nobody wants it though.

It would be more fun if it handled and Id change it if I had the money but right now I dont and probably never will.

trade for 2007 cobalt ss supercharged with 60,000 miles on it? one owner car!

im pretty sure the reason he would want to get rid of it would be to upgrade in the future…not downgrade instantly

it does come with some extra treats.

21K is a very fair price for that car.

I tested out my new window mount with the FLip Mino HD on the Supra last night, took it for some pulls down 9J. It takes really decent video actually, sound wasn’t bad either.

Gonna be a fun year with vids.

Post vids

I need to figure out how to mount it better, with the mount/window clearance I have to mound the flip sideways which makes the video look dumb obviously. Flopping it 90 degrees doesn’t help either.

Post the fucking vids you dweeb

I put new upper rad clips on, and added gold dice valve stem covers.

i took a SHIT on the dashboard

whens the last time u did that?

One time I was cleaning a brand new truck for delivery and found a decent sized loaf pinched off in the glovebox, does that count?

I can’t wait to steal them