What did you do to your car today?

Bungee corded a mattress to the top of it, scuffed the paint, didn’t give a fuck.

beat the snot out of it for a bit last night. All the while hearing “this thing is intense !” from my passenger haha

thing is a brute and its straight as an arrow, isnt all over the road like that red 99si

traction bars FTW

So pulled the ghetto antenna that was on my car, only to find who ever put it on, drilled new holes for it :facepalm

Drove off the road onto a gravel turn around area and engaged the emergency handbrake


RL :rofl

nothing once again. Fuckin truck needs a bath asap


nothing to my car as it sits as a shell…BUT…MY SISTERS CAR IS NOW A 5SPD.

I leaned against my e30. its broke as fuck

:number1 agreed one of the better things that ive done to my car is the full race traction bars

Got new plates, backed it into my kayak on accident, installed eibach rear springs, and then STEPPED ON ITTT

Almost sold it cuz I thought it crankwalked. Figured out it was just the humidity. Car is now parked until winter.


Lmao that is epic

on my way home from work in a nasty storm and this happens… hood/fender/grill headlight are fucked!



Holy shit. Could’ve been much worse.

washed it off, but didnt dry it, too lazy and i smelled horrible after baseball practice