What did you do to your car today?

same here, made a BIG difference for me when i put them on. Tbars and Diff and she was strait as hell ____________________
^ insert pole joke here

^haha +rep for knowing pole joke is coming

Put my forge bpv on. Then looked at how shitty the plasitc stock one is, POS

Installed a shift knob! FUCK YEAH BECAUSE RACECAR

^lol. I washed it, then took a few pictures of her.


Upgraded the firmware on the 200’s ECU and did a few tweaks to the IAT related timing retard.

HAHA he said “retard”.

lit em up

dam that sucks my buddy was taking back His 2011 rental and got hit by a Shit ton of Hail, dented the fuck out of the car hahaha, on his way to Pk from middletown.

I bought a shitty daily driver today

got the donor engine for LUMPYY

Fuck yea. Lmk when you wanna swap it in

Lost my front lip crushing some turbo s2k on the highway…fml

Corolla-oil change
Evo-cleaned interior/exterior for 1/2 hour (most I’ve ever done on the car)
Truck-sourced parts for plug/wire change next week (stupid things have different length wires depending on what coils GM decided to use that day).

Camaro - worked on tune a bit more, added 2 step/valet switch and transmission performance mode button support to OS.


Pretty sure Kramer ran that bitch over


Considering I almost died about 5 times this morning on my way to clinical at 7am from hydroplaning, asap.

Reminds me that I’ve got to install the coilovers in that pig as well

It’s not all that straight. Still handles like a wounded battleship due to rear toe and alignments off. Got to install rear toe kit, get new tires, and put that pig on the alignment rack and I should be golden. But thanks tho

Evo-oil pressure gauge install