What did you do to your car today?

Thought you could move it to the battlefield. Oh well :cry:

Shut up harry potter

Hey, who invited you sean?? lmao

you do what you do because this is colonie,and no one is gonna waste their time on you… but seriously, you need to throttle back your attitude youve got. just because you can get away with it here, doesnt mean its gonna fly someplace else.

all im saying is you need to watch what you say and how you say things.

ok Dad. Thanks.


its things like that. youre arrogant, wise attutide and your mouth are gonna get you introuble in life. youll learn someday. probably the hard way

Hes a little fuck. Who gives a shit cause he only runs his mouth from a keyboard stand point and would never say any thing to any bodies face

we’ve all been there, but you gotta pick your battles wisely. he just jumps off at any chance he gets.

Like the cutting off the mustang incident lol

ive heard that said about joey before…

probably one of the times, no one should have stood up for him. and let him feel the consequences of his actions first hand

Now that no one is going to stand up for him he will get his when he mouths off to the wrong guy

i practice non-violence… like ive said time and time again about this kid. if he would just shut up and think before he does choose to speak, he would be alright, but hes too cocky for his own good. hes like a puppy with a big bark.

Dude speaking of puppies ryans lays down some mean shits

Time to sleep lol



didnt you just get up at noon?

dont worry about it. its a need to know basis… you dont need to know about it