What did you get for christmas '09

Sick Brah!!

I have no idea what I am getting until Christmas day. :ohnoes

^ yea i can’t wait either. but i’m not looking forward to putting in all those control arm bushings…that’s gonna suck.

Yeah PITA, that’s why I went with adjustable arms, solid bushings. Do you have to use a hydraulic press? I have a steel frame that I might to turn into a press.

what did I get steve

yea i know what you mean…but the complete kit is cheaper then just one set of the arms.

i’m gonna build the extra rear subframe i have and powdercoat it. i’ll put the bushings in that one and get the solid sub frame mounts too. it’s gonna be awesome when it’s done.


anyways i got some shoes and clothes…

I was supposed to get nistune and a bushing set for my car but some unforseen things happend a month ago so moneys tight so i figured it can wait for now

You mean, what I got Michelle?

i got you that prostate stimulator youve been buggine me for

An Apogee

a fiancee:wow

Awwww!!! That’s SO sweet, congrats. :slight_smile:

pix or ban.

Yes pics please.

I already know what she looks like, fiyah.

We need moar, though.

I agree wholeheartedly.


congrats dj.

thanks guys! i will post pics soon!

Congrats man!!!