What dirt bike to buy?

seeming how its his first bike i dont think hel be rcing it anytime soon, and if he was the only way hed stand close to the others is by starting off with a raceable bike, meaning no drz’s or ttr’s or trail bikes. if your looking for a trail bike the best bet would be a ktm, or a suzuki drz. the ktms will be a little more exspensive, but sometimes its worth it.
if you plan on racing, the typical, yz, rm, kx, ktm,cr’s
most things have moved to almost all four strokes, seeminghow 3/4 of the tracks in ny wont allow any 2 strokes on the track due to pollution, in a couple years. but either way the foru strokes are in, and better, the power is there all the way threw the rpms.,
the suzukis were my moneys at. rmz250, or a crf. for sure. if ou race, where do you plan on going.?