what do u think about this house??


you know that someone was murdered in that house on Hopkins right?



Holy shit. Now we know why it’s below market value.

Paula Bruski (mother’s friend) stated, “Sometime between 9:30 and 10:00 am I called Elli on the phone at her home at 1435 Hopkins Road in Amherst. Ellie said to me that she was just thinking about me. Her husband Don was home and she was talking to me while she was talking to him. Ellie said, ‘Don had stopped back home because he forgot his wallet.’ A short time into our conversation I heard Ellie say something that indicated to me that Don was leaving the house. Ellie was talking to me about her next-door neighbor Charon Epstein. Ellie told me Charon had knee surgery. Ellie was telling me that she was going to try to get her son Jeremy to take his vitamins, but that Jeremy was giving her a hard time and putting the vitamins in his pocket. Ellie was talking about Jeremy giving her a hard time about taking a shower this morning. Ellie told me she was going to check on Jeremy, and she was away from the phone for a minute or two. When she came back to the phone, Ellie said Jeremy was walking around with a razor or razor blade. She said she should get that away from Jeremy. I heard Ellie say to Jeremy that he should wait and that she would get him a razor so that he could shave. I told Ellie that I would hang on the phone. When Ellie left the phone, I heard her say, ‘No, Jeremy, No, no, no.’ I didn’t hear anything else over the phone. When Ellie did not come back to the phone in a minute or two, I tried to hang up to call for help. When I got a dial tone, I called Jeff Carlson, who is Ellie’s son-in-law. I then called Ellie’s next-door neighbor, Charon Epstein.”