what do you do for christmas?

whats everyone do for christmas?

I hang out with gina’s fam christmas Eve, then with my fam on Christmas Day. Pretty boring i guess but the food is great!

hanging with my daughters,wife works!

Go to my grams on x-mas eve, eat and drink with the family and some friends, then go next door and drink with the neighbors. :beer:

x-mas eve church then to GF’s moms family’s thing then erics for his annual christmas party. x-mas day eat with my mom, go to my dads, GF’s dads side’s dinner then back to nicoles to have a party with all our friends

My parent’s house Christmas Eve, her mom cooks at our house Christmas Day, her grandmother’s house next day. Pretty much family stuff.

I can’t wait to see the little one Christmas morning. She’s been “singing” songs for weeks now. Sounds more like a backup rapper who only sings the last word in the sentence though. :slight_smile:

grandparents-cuzs-aunts/uncles-babies…everyone christmas eve. mom and dad christmas day… till about 3 and then drive to altoona to spend the rest of teh evening and day after with the fiance’s parents. driving sucks, schedule sucks… but since i’m only at one place for at most a day everyone tries to stuff me and treat me like royalty. :rofl: :rofl: :yum:

I avoid my family at all costs…

christmas eve is huge for my fam. we used to have it at my paps…but last year was the first year in 18 years it was at my aunts…but we will have my pap for that day so it will be nice…

we have pasta…all kinds of pasta and sauces…we have crab legs…fried clamari…shrimp…muscles…clams…all kinds of sea food…chicken parmisana(sp)…just a big old itailian fest

Xmas eve at Lory’s dads, then Xmas day with my family

then off to 7springs for a week!

i am looking out my window since i got the small pox shot and cant be around my gf family

i got work to do!!!

Every Christmas eve my family gets together at one of my aunt/uncle’s house. My dad is one of 11 kids so the rotation at who’s house the party is at gets rather long in between times. This year happens to be my parents year. So we get to have the entire family over. We always do a secret santa type thing where we have the young kids in the family swap gifts. My Gram makes the best ham!

then Christmas day around my house is pretty unspectacular… we’re all older now so presents arent really a big concern. My little nephews and cousins might come over to visit, but its primarily a lazy day to relax and eat dinner with the family (immediate family)

Wife’s family and some GOOD Italian cooking!

Christmas is at my house this year… Nothing really Christmas Eve…

Christmas Eve we visit Mike’s dad, and his aunt and uncle. On Christmas Mike works, so I go to my parents, then my grandparents, then at some point I’m going over to Mike’s dad’s again.

Christmas eve dinner then church then going ot work 11pm till 11 am x mas day then sleep. I already know i got a class ring and some tuition paid for my x mas present so no suprise there

Christmas eve I’ll go to a couple of my buddies different houses… This year I’ll be in Brookline, Bethel, Glenshaw and thats it… Then xmas day at my grams house with the whole family over, except i dont know if itll be there this year since shes in the hospital… Who knows what were doing… I dont really care. I fuckin hate christmas and everything that goes along with it.

eve we always go to my wifes fam house and eat a ton and drink and watch the little kids play with the boxes that the expensive ass toys they got came in , then we head down to erics normally right about the time that everybody leaves to go to midnight mass

x-mas eve, like jenn said go see my dad and step mom during the day in the evening go ess my mom’s side of the family at my aunt and uncles.

X-mas day make quad time for 16 hours while I play on the computer. :smiley:

EDIT: Plus shift differental. :smiley: