what do you guys think of these parts...

hey guys im about to get these parts from pdm racing, what do you think of these ?

1 NGK Iridium IX Plugs
2 Aurora 8.5mm Super Mag Plus Ignition Wires

cricism/opinion/suggestions/experiences all accepted >]

Not really worth it :dunno:

Plus PDM will rape you on shipping. Probablly cost you like $20 just to
have it shipped.

Nothing wrong with stock wires and plugs unless you are puttin down
some serious power.

im running bosch platinum 2 plugs and 8.5mm old wires, what do you think of that ? plus i beat the crap out of my car at track, i think it will help, my motor isnt running smooth so im trying to figure it out by replacing old parts, better ignition means my motor will run smoother and more properly

I think Gonad is right is you are better off just getting new plugs and wires from CanadianTire.

With a stock engine paying a premium for PDM parts doesn’t make much sense.

You can get that stuff from around here, no need for PDM. :?

I was running the Iriduim IX’s in mmy SR when i had it, then i ran regular copper V NGK’s and honestly i felt like i had more power. And saved over half the price.

but if im gonna buy new stuff, i might as well get good stuff right ? all I wanted to know is whether those wires and sparks are good, or are they normal performance like regular stuff, let me know guys

I was running the Iriduim IX’s in my SR when i had it, and then i ran regular copper V NGK’s and honestly i felt like i had more power with the copper V NGK’s. And saved over half the price.

… i thought i gave input on wether or not they are good :?

lol you’re the type of guy i used to sell $60 worth of plugs to for a 323…lol
iridiums are a waste…they foul so fast…usually under 10000km…and like nikki said…a ngk copper plus plug will out preform an iriduim any day.

as for flug wires…get some accell or ngk wires locally. you don’t need to order shit.

I’d say Magnecor 8.5mm wires (usually rated the best) and NGK’s.

awsome, thanks guys, good input there, Im thinking of getting the wires but not the plugs, im running on bosch platinum 2 (dual tip) at the moment, oh, and how often should you change the plugs anyways ?