What do you want the Democrats to accomplish?

if it took an Iron fist to rule…
wouldn’t you try and adopt sucessfull practices.

there will be no PC fix. we will be hated anyway. it will be impossible to
change their human behavior on such a huge scale. they have had those believes since birth. its just pissing money away. at least the last time was a
real war… one that others helped pay for.

I have no grand expectations from the politicians, except that they
will always be worried about self preservation.

Oh, maybe we could make a GED required for well fair, and keep the 15 y/o moms out of emergency rooms because two of their children have a runny nose. ( it was good to know she is planning on taking a year off after HS then going to ECC for free because they have daycare… and that her prom date has a kid with another *****) but, i’m not bitter :smiley: