What do you want the Democrats to accomplish?

The politicians from both sides have really dissapointed me.

Stop bickering about meaningless issues and please do what your being paid to do…do something…anything. there are so many issues that need resolved and have been overlooked because of the focus on trivial issues like gay marriage, fuel costs, and religious values.

REFORM HEALTHCARE. and im not talking goverment take over of it. there is a reason we have the best healthcare in the nation. but how can it be legal to have commercials for perscribed drugs so people can self diagnose themselves. isnt that what doctors are for? isnt that why they have a decade of medical education? were turning into a nation of hypochondriacs. the system is costing the nation jobs, its cost is climbing 3 times the rate of inflation.

REFORM THE LEGAL SYSTEM. anybody can sue anybody for anything these days. what ever happened to taking responsibility for your actions. now we just sue the snot out of someone anytime you have been inconvenienced. how on earth can a lawsuit be considered because fat people are unhappy a restuarant sold them the food they craved, or some dumbass can get $500,000 because they spilled coffee on themselves is fucking rediculous. STOP lining the lawyers pockets.

END THE WAR ON DRUGS. How is it that the US government can declare war on the people its supposed to represent? people are in awe at the cost of the war in Iraq, but fail to realize…we spend about the same every year to fight a war on the American people. Instead of using this money to send addicts to jail, why dont we use it for education and treatment centers? why? because thousands of people depend on this war for employment. So i ask…please stop spending billions on a war you cant win, and stop sending my brothers and sisters to jail…all they need is a shoulder to lean on, not steel bars.

I really hope the Democrats can put their grudges behind them and do something politicians havnt done in decades…BE A PUBLIC SERVENT. enough of the soap opera style of politics. i dont care about a politicians sexual life or drug experimentation. fix the goddamn system already.