What does everyone do?

18, work as a phototech at walgreens and train and will train as a pharm tech soon. I graduate with kramerbuccs in a few days and am attending Albany college of Pharmacy and depending on how much more school i want i may transfer to albany medical college after the third year.

I knew that looked familiar but didnt remember why. My dad used to be in that union.

let me guess u drive the riced out black 4 door that is ridiculously loud ??

that’s alright, someday you will see the err of your ways :wink:


most of the john deere equipment is a lil small mostly link belt/cat used here. we do have one john deere dozer though

who is it?

riced out? no its not lol, it is loud tho, where would u have seen me?

everyday on broadway , dont always see you but i can hear it one mile away

:lol where on broadway? I havnt been going up broadway lately, is it before 890 ramps?

yea going down bway to exit 5

24, 25 soon enough. Father of 1. Legally disabled… was a photolab tech for 3 years before that, and work for Dept of taxation & finance for a short time. Professional VideoGame nerd!

My dad works in that department (tax and finance)

oh and i smoke rocks in addition to working on the golf course.

Let me know where youre getting the good shit. My dealer keeps coming up dry and me and my dog need some rocks.

Oh and according to Kramer, I deal drugs :Idiots


i said “he might, and if he doesn’t he would know somebody who would”

i can dig up the AIM logs if you want :vlad:vlad:vlad

:facepalm That explains everything!:ponder:haha

bill dingman

I wonder if I’ve talked to him on the phone. We deal a lot with DTF at the DMV since there’s taxes involved with registering cars and such.