What does your five year plan have? (long term goals)


Visit Dubai



thats a cool place :tup:



You graduated with honors and you can’t even spell the word

i kid i kid


i r teh canadian. i adds a u to things

By the end of 2012 I will have hopefully:
Gotten my PhD
Published a novel
Stayed in WNY (I have had enough of moving around)


Immediate - Buy a condo, sell my cars

Longer - Move to europe or asia for a year

Really Long - have a huge smile on my face doing whatever I’m doing.

PS. I doubt anyone on here besides AWDrifter or Butch is/are going to retire in 5 years.


lol word, my favorite was whoever said they graduated high school in 2003 and is planning on retiring in 2009 or whatever retarded statement it was :stuck_out_tongue:

My next five years is hopefully consisting of the following:
2007 - finish closing on my house
2008/09 - sell off my options and make enough money to make a big dent in my mortgage if not cover it…
2011/12 - if i am still at my company be promoted once or twice more, which would put me at executive level.

first thing is a definite, second is pending financial decisions of our company, third is highly likely provided number two goes (imo).

you only retire if your work sucks.

and by work i dont necessarily mean job.


i will work at least until i’m 60 - 65 no matter what, just will need some purpose to life other than blowing money


I’d get bored! And how much do you really wanna see of your friggin’ old-ass wife anyways? Leave me at work!


People only retire when they hate their jobs…

I would REALLY like to move to Dubai in a few years (for a few years), but we shall see…

08 Finish Bachelors
10 Finish Masters
12-13 Finish PHD

In the summers: Go to Europe and drop off the grid for the summer, Go back to Utah and mtn bike for a month, go to Alaska. Spend a summer touring the us. As many long motorcycle trips as possible during the weekends

  1. fuck hookers
  2. contract hiv from one or all of them
  3. possibly die from the hiv or worse of all; have a kid with one.

make fun of dan and his threads
make fun of dan and his kid, and hope he doesn’t grow up to be bigger than me and kick my ass.

if that falls through i will just continue making fun of rubicant for the next 5 years