Plans for the near future... (Automotive Wise)

Not really sure anyone actually cares, but I thought I’d just share my plans.

Once I sell my car I will:

  1. Buy a DD that is reliable and cheap, paid in full, no payments. (Notice NOT fast) (Not that the car was fast the begin with lol)

  2. Buy another bike. Again, paid in full, no payments just like before.

  3. Be done with the “car scene”. This passion is more reserved for when I am older, it is too expensive, too time consuming and all in all too much of a pain in the ass to be involved with at 19.

  4. Be happy with an OK car that I don’t have to worry about, and a bike that will be fun to ride in the good weather.

  5. Actually have money accumulating in my bank account. Thus eliminating the need to work 2 part-time jobs to pay for said prior expenses.

That’s about it for my plans. If anyone else wants to share their plans, or has anything to say about mine, feel free to post your input, or nudes.

If I wasn’t scared of dying on a bike, I would do the same thing.


well the good news is that you have plenty of time to decide with your asking price.

are you still in school?

blah blah blah im responsible blahablah blah, can’t afford a fast car blah blah blah.

just because you put the word nudes in this thread doesn’t make it a good thread…

-karma till some nudes are posted

sir, you’re a dick.

Yeah, Buff State till '11

Lol, I can, but why? I don’t understand why I need a fast car, especially being this young. Hell, I don’t understand why I even need a nice car.


fail again

oh sweet mother of jesus.

Nvm, it’s not worth getting moved to NWS anyways lol, I’ll send nudes some other time, all you have to do is ask…

then you are in the wrong forum, this is NYSPEED not idontknowwhatilikeorwhattodowithmylifesoi’

Not sure what’s going on in this thread but good luck to you.

Yeah. Debt for a car when you’re young and in school is dumb.

You don’t have to pretend you don’t like cars though. Just don’t piss away money on mods.

Oh trust me, I still love cars, it’s been a passion of mine since as far back as I can remember lol. I’ve always been a bike guy anyways, hence my username.

Lmao, then you take this forum WAYYYY too seriously. haha.

Here’s an idea, I know what I want in life, so I’m going for it?

College, Family, Friends > Cars.

Sorry to break it to you, but not everyone is willing to dump dollar after dollar into something that constantly breaks anyways. I’ll talk to you in 4 or 5 years when I’m teaching, then maybe we’ll talk cars. Until then, fuck off? I’m 19, living at home, going to school full-time and I don’t wanna work two shit jobs, pay for a car I have no room for nor drive in the winter and waste away every paycheck filling the tank for all of it.


why is the price so high?

why is eveyone on nyspeed so poor ? its a fair price

for me to poop on

glws, and good luck in future prospects.

OMG these threads suck and must stop… No one cares about your life decisions go fuck yourself

Deep deep down, in that cold, rock solid heart of yours…I know you care. :slight_smile: