Im officially done with cars

I hate working on/thinking about cars. Such a waste of time. So im just gonna buy this after I graduate, I no longer want a porsche turbo…

this is hoTT, im sure aristocrat joe will agree with me…

nice. yeah, cars take up about 95% of my thinking time. and when i meet people, the first thing im thinking is “i wonder if they are into cars, that way i can carry on a conversation”

Meh. 90% of the “car” people I know are complete fucking weirdos so…


yeah but how many of them are also architecture students, know more/care more about the car they drove to school than they do about whats due the next morning at 8am??? lol, THESE are the wierd ones…:snky:

I wasted my first semester on that bullshit. Honestly, you cant do both. Its one or the other IMO…

Im fortunate. I have a brand new truck, so I have 0 car worries. Also, I wont be working for the next year or so, so school will be a lot easier. All around a lot less worries…

It pisses me off how much time and money ive wasted on bullshit thus far…

The fact that it took me this long to realize I have a lot of time left, and that I can wait for a nice car etc = :bloated:

Suddenly im in this funk where I dont care about anything BS. All I can care about is work and school. I think im tired of being immature…

best quote ever

and so true

yeah i hear ya, its been pretty tuff trying to mod a DD and going full DIY in the process, while trying to jugle school and the worst part time job ever. so in conclution im working on applying absolutley everywhere to make more money, and im going to buy a DD 4cyl 2wd 5spd pickup truck cause you cant beat it for the $$$, insurance cheaper than fuck, great MPG, and they are a dime a dozen. im done trying to do both at the same time. this year the car will get attension when i have time, not when it fucking breaks down on the thruway on my way to class and then AAA cant get it on the damn truck without breaking my bumper in half.


our major is far to demanding to allow for such a time intensive hobby…


I have tried saying the same thing.
but it just doesn’t happen
I have this “problem”

same, man, same…

my bro keeps getting on me for the '95 vette i wanna get next year… how if i ever modded it hardcore, i’d take it somewhere…

which i know i won’t anyways. any mods i do would be minor, or i’d take it in to have them installed. i just want a decent cruiser for a while, something fun to drive, low miles.

i am done with feeling all good about myself after tearing into something for hours and fixing it in like 3x the time it would take a pro. simple shit, yeah - but anything serious on my car, fuck no. i am done, too.