What happened to all the ammo?

Most shops are sold out and don’t know when they are getting any in. Whats everyone’s thoughts on this? Even places online are back ordered.

Some people out there think Obama is gonna try to take our guns (mainly assault rifles), so everyone who owns an assault rifle is stockpiling ammo…

Dicks on Mcknight Road has some, I was there the other day picking up some .40 ammo

I need to get some more .45 ACP and after I pick up the one rifle: .303 British!

yea, but i think it was just a big scam by the gov. to get ppl to just buy random stuff they dont really need to try and boost the economy haha.

Their all idots. Obama has openly said he supports the 2nd admendment. Although he has also said openly that he supports VERY high taxes on ammo.

doesn’t anyone read the newspaper, listen to the NRA, or watch FOX News?

hoarders. reloading supplies have been off the shelves for even longer. there’s been a small rifle primer shortage for several months. you literally can’t buy them

rest assured ammo makers are working night and day to produce loaded ammunition. it’ll break out soon

i have noticed a shortage, but it doesnt bug me much, I try to stock up all winter, along the lines of a box each time im at waly mart, or whatever, that way in the spring when im ready to go shooting i have plenty of ammo.

i guess you’re joking? i do read NRA news and know nominal amounts of current events. Obama has a history of being anti-second amendment. He was a board member of the Joyce foundation that funded multiple millions of dollars into anti-gun groups… etc. etc.

Guns are for pussies. I use the internet to settle my battles.

too bad for Zippy…it only takes one shot.

Not joking at all. Did you honestly pay any attenition during the election? He publicly stated many, many times that he supports the 2nd. We may all know better based on history, but then if you look at the voting history of other true supporters you WILL find numerous times that they have voted anti-gun. THis normally happens because the shit tacked onto good bills. But then you being a smart guy already know all this, right?

I’m a pussy I never leave the house without my gun. Hell I walk to my garage, thats a whole 20 feet from my house, I’m packing. So call me a pussy all you want, but I bet you dont any of this pussy.:idb:

Haha reminds me of Snatch…

Now, dicks have drive and clarity of vision, but they are not clever. They smell pussy and they want a piece of the action. And you thought you smelled some good old pussy, and have brought your two small mincey faggot balls along for a good old time. But you’ve got your parties mangled up. There’s no pussy here, just a dose that’ll make you wish you were born a woman. Like a prick, you are having second thoughts. You are shrinking, and your two little balls are shrinking with you. And the fact that you’ve got “Replica” written down the side of your gun…
And the fact that I’ve got “Desert Eagle point five O”… Written down the side of mine… Should precipitate your balls into shrinking, along with your presence. Now… Fuck off


I’m not sure what Tom Vito is trying to say, but let me make it clear:

Obama IS anti-gun, regardless of what he or his publicists have said.

How the fuck did you get your pussy ass, to be busting my ass you mullet riding asshole?

Wasnt busting your ass fuckstick, just said it reminds me of that movie line. Fuck off

yeah I don’t get him… and i’m even the smart guy.

No, Obama is anti-gun and is willing to bold face lie to your face about it, since he knows that many voters care about that issue. Remember everything before the “BUT” is a lie, since he said he did support the 2nd amendment, but believed in local restrictions. Which means everything before the “but” is a lie.

dems know they’ll never win over guns. look what obama did, lied about his position because he knew that anti-gun would cost him

remember that bullshit NRA commercial? the one where a life member supported obama? it was 100% a lie