What Happened to being a Man

I can agree with you on that.

Nothing wrong with living at home with your parents in your twenties (in fact, studies show that more and more people are doing it because a lot of college grads can’t find work after getting out of college - either by their own fault or poor career choice - and are in debt a great deal due to rising tuition costs) but I do agree with you that if you are living with them, you should be otherwise 100% self-sufficient.

I could afford to live on my own (hell, I was set to move out in August before my wedding fell apart) but I’m saving much more money by living here than living on my own.

My parents need me around the house (they aren’t so spry anymore), etc. And they won’t accept rent (tried).

I’m 25 and I’ll be here probably another 2 years or so. That doesn’t make me any less of a man than some stupid 18yr kid who’s spending everything he makes on rent because he’s too ‘proud’ to live with his mom and pops. F that noise. This goes back to the original topic…kids are such pricks these days that some of them literally hate their parents and can’t wait to leave. WTF? You owe EVERYTHING to your parents for getting you that far in life. Show some respect. I keep thinking of all the times I’ve seen 8yr olds talk back to their parents in public places. Where I’m from? A total stranger would slap you and tell you to STFU and be respectful. In America? Parent can’t do shit. When I was a kid, my mom would just give me the death stare and I was on my best behaviour. Why? Because I knew if I continued down that path of abnoxiousness, I was going to be feeling it for a day or two after the fact.