What Happened to being a Man

I had a hard time finding jeans at Kohl’s a few weeks ago because all I could find in my size were homosexual ‘skinny fit’ jeans.

A 34/34 isnt exactly a skinny size.

I dont like my jeans as loose as the minorities wear them but I dont like to wear them so tight that the ass will blow out if I bend over.

Regular or relaxed fit is fine for me.


Ugh…no. MANY MANY MANY people still, in 2012, have no clue how to use a computer. If they did, I wouldn’t have a job. :rofl

A bunch of old men ranting :rofl
Kids are like this in every generation: greasers, hippies, rockers, punks, goth, emos and whatever is the current flavor they got today. They always grow up to rant about the next generation too :lol

So you are Internet angry over my one measly comment about skaters? Tell me how that makes you feel? wink wink

I’ll retract my statement if it’s gonna cause a suicidal act or a call to the police.

And you have a PHD? Seriously? You think great philosophers around the world would call someone a fag because they don’t AGREE on something?

This thread was started based on stereotypes. I, personally, ALONG WITH MANY WHO HAVE CHIMED IN…stereotype this specific breed of youngster, as lazy, no good, selfish, bags of shit. Maybe I stretched it a little to far with the “skaters”, but if you got offended by that…it’s because there are dirty dishes and a can full of garbage at your house calling your name. Go do some fucking work.

I cant count how many times ive used a computer to Aid me in fixing something or atleast setting me off in the right direction. The computer isnt all bad

I like form fitting pants. Is that gay? I dont want to get them caught and snagged on shit while welding or burn up slack etc. I like form fitting but not to the point of ripping with a boner.

Hahaha im just fucking with you I don’t know anything about you or care at all aboutwhat you say on the internet.yeah I have a phd, poseur hater degree. Il let you think im a lazy halfwit if it makes you feel better about yourself. Maybe il go enjoy the nice shit i’ve worked to buy like my bike or my car and forget this lame ass thread.

IMO, “fag” has nothing to do with it.

I think this thread got away from the OP’s main gripe.

Being manly and being a fag cross at a fine line…which I’m not concerned with, personally.

Someone wants to suck dick…cool. That’s a whole new level of unmanliness that does not need to be covered here.

I’m more concerned with the lackadaisical attitude of todays teens and the way in which they present themselves to the American public, both physically and mentally.

It was wrong to group skaters in the mix…that was more of a personal feeling/stereotype that I let out. OOPS.

Good cuz it takes way more balls to kickflip a staircase than wash dishes, that’s a womans job.

Absolute genarlizations are fun aren’t they?

yes, yes they are!

Been saying it for a while now, the pussification of america is underway. Some of my thoughts about it start with the kids that would get trophys for last place .

Maybe its all the hay that got stuck into our forearms when we were younger…i see a trend here.


let me rephrase

What more important IT skillz or a sound roof over your head, reliable transportation and food on your table? Don’t know about you but I could survive just fine w/o a computer at home. It’s a luxury item, safe housing isn’t

As much as i hate hipsters it’s the losers that live at home till they’re 30 and spend every dime on their car that i cannot stand. Being a man means not having mommy and daddy put a roof over your head.

i hvaen’t had a computer at home in over 2 years. Thank you iphone

Guys I’ve got a son on the way. To help ensure his future I’m asking you guys to help me provide him a monthly Shift “Man sessions” where we sit around eating beef jerky and talking about man stuff.

Beef jerky ??? Nah kid shoe leather and p.b.r …no jerky and vitamin water allowed lol

I can agree with you on that.

Nothing wrong with living at home with your parents in your twenties (in fact, studies show that more and more people are doing it because a lot of college grads can’t find work after getting out of college - either by their own fault or poor career choice - and are in debt a great deal due to rising tuition costs) but I do agree with you that if you are living with them, you should be otherwise 100% self-sufficient.

I could afford to live on my own (hell, I was set to move out in August before my wedding fell apart) but I’m saving much more money by living here than living on my own.

My parents need me around the house (they aren’t so spry anymore), etc. And they won’t accept rent (tried).

I’m 25 and I’ll be here probably another 2 years or so. That doesn’t make me any less of a man than some stupid 18yr kid who’s spending everything he makes on rent because he’s too ‘proud’ to live with his mom and pops. F that noise. This goes back to the original topic…kids are such pricks these days that some of them literally hate their parents and can’t wait to leave. WTF? You owe EVERYTHING to your parents for getting you that far in life. Show some respect. I keep thinking of all the times I’ve seen 8yr olds talk back to their parents in public places. Where I’m from? A total stranger would slap you and tell you to STFU and be respectful. In America? Parent can’t do shit. When I was a kid, my mom would just give me the death stare and I was on my best behaviour. Why? Because I knew if I continued down that path of abnoxiousness, I was going to be feeling it for a day or two after the fact.

Shoe leather eh? I’ll enlist my mother to cater with steaks then. She cooks them till there well done then leaves em on the grill another few minutes just to be sure haha.