What Happened to being a Man

i only read the original post cause i need to go back to studying, but i will say this, ualbany is not over ran by skinny jeaned hipsters. its prob just that you notice that more often because you can’t stand it. you don’t notice everyone that dresses normal because they don’t stick out like a sore thumb. and as far as skaters go anyone that wears skinny jeans for skateboarding is fine. it is a functional thing, and as long as they are actually buying skinny/slim jeans meant for skateboarding their jeans are stretchy so you can move in them, a lot better then you would think if you have never worn them and they don’t get caught on everything, baggy ass jeans and skateboarding is a horrible thing and in the mid-late 90s the fact that they were cool as fuck probably stopped a ton of people from being better at skateboarding.

:rofl +rep

Not a leftist… Just saying this thread has nothing to do with political party.

I have nothing against the way peeps dress as long as there on the right gender . Ii hate that youth today is lazy and expects it all for free .

Motherfuckin dying here :rofl

I’m going to be a father in October and this shit bothers me more now than I thought possible. "Check your faggotry at the door"is my new motto lol

honestly if your jeans look like girls would wear them, your probably sucking cock like a girl.

Sounds like the voice of experiance


^^ THAT’S faggotry.

I will not follow up your -rep with another…you emo pieces of shit thrive on hate and “bullies”.

How about a hug?

this mines due in november and they will grow up playimg outside getting dirty with a foot ball or they will be learning how to due a oil change

haha repp

Mcbitchin is a wired type of emo , he isn’t depressed and a cool ass kid so let him be ! Really he is a friend and will help anyone . I fry up riding dirtbikes playing sports etc . Hell I just got home at 8 and my 7 yr old is still doing homework !!! W.t.f he is in first grade Fuck that shit no wonder kids can’t be kids anymore with all that shit at HOME . Does school do anything anymore exc teach em how to be lazy ?

I’m sure he is fine. Im just a dick…and thought it would be a funny response to the -rep ass clown.

I’d help him if he needed it…along with most of you dudes I don’t know.

In my head, for 30 seconds, the Internet WAS REAL…and I posted accordingly.

In for the late in the discussion slomarrow stance switch.

You got a neg rep for hating on skaters for no reason, idgaf what other people say/wear/do with their lives because none of it affects me, I can’t believe you old fucks are still complaining. And fuck emo kids and hipsters.

Neg reg is the new internet bullying.

So, skaters /= emo /= hipsters?

If you are the 5% of skaters i see on a daily basis that is not emo/suicidal/gaga/glee as fuck…kick those poser ass bitches in the teeth that dress like skaters when they aren’t. They are making you look bad.

That is all.

I’ll shake your hand when I meet you…but it better not be a limp wristed touchy feely dick mitten type shake. Shake it like a man.

I could really care less how they dress, what pisses me off is the lack of work ethic and appreciation for the people that earn a living working trades. Well guess what like posted everybody can work a computer, but how many people can repair a car/house when needed?

Agree ^.

I guess I always assumed the attire/hair followed suit with lazy bitchassness…maybe I wasn’t
looking at it deep enough, lazy bitchassness does not always show its face in one shape and form.

What switch ???

Im not shaking your dick bro, and nobody likes poseurs. I have a phd. What makes a skater an emo or a hipster im confused, I thought it was just a sport for people that like cheap thrills.

Thread started well, then emo kids ruined it. Nice job assholes. Cant even let us have manly threads anymore without skinny jeaning shit up.