What Happened to being a Man

ALL generations draw the line at womens fucking clothing. FUCK.

heres a good eye opener for ya. I just got off the phone with the guy.

Brought one of my cars to a local body guy, ma and pop place in town to pull the frame a hair so I can rebuild it. Shot the shit with the guy for a while, turns out he knew people I knew, and everything is great. Said take your time, do what you can, let me know if there is anything I need to do for you. Just called to see whats up. Spoke to his wife who is also super nice and she yells into the shop “what does mike owe ya?” and I hear “Ahhh, Mike doesnt owe me anything, those guys are good in my book tell him dont worry about it.” They have been there for 25 years, so they must be doing something right. Talking to the guy the few times he or I stopped by eachothers shops, he is oldschool and a solid worker, and solid person.

On the flip side.

Recently a customer brought some bike parts to us to paint, because the kid he brought them to had them for months, screwed them up, didnt have a clue what he was doing to do it right, and they came out horible. Wasted well over $100 in materials the customer brought him. 2 weeks later when i got the parts i had to strip them because the paint was too thick, not even cured yet so he didnt even mix it right, looked like it was rattled caned and was just garbage. To the point that I really should have started looking for a new tank and plastics. Turns out the kid that tried the first time had the balls to say to the pissed off guy as he came to take his parts and paint back “Dude, give me $100 for trying.” LOL, So even when young kids fuck up that bad, they think they still deserve payment!

Attitude like the first example, are why they are still here 25 years later doing what they do. Attitude like the second example almost got the kid laid out.


Takes you two hours to do 300 bales? Man… sissies these days…

Chads a pussy

Wow! What a thread!

Every generation seems to complain about the previous one. I know my father complained about mine! And I am 55, my Dad grew up during the Depression, no electricity for most of his childhood, hardly any paved roads, walked to school and then was drafted in to the Army Air Corps (now the Air Force) for WW2. His generation set the bar pretty damn high for everyone else.
There is no doubt that each progressive generation has it a little easier than the last. As a parent, that is something that we strive for. Unfortunately, by wanting things better and easier for our children, it ends up being way too easy to give them everything, not making them work, not disciplining when needed, and not giving them direction (parents being “friends” instead of parents). Add to this government entitlements, Pansy ass school districts (too worried about “self esteem” than to teach a kid the right way), and you end up with what we have.
On the plus side, no matter how bad each generation that I have seen has looked…They always end up turning out a little bit better than you thought possible.

IF i ever have kids I will more than likely be going to jail cause, the hand , the belt and the wooden paddle with the “speed holes” will be used at all times

this, all I do is work and go to school. and every person posting bitching about the clothes other people wear as if it actually affects you, you are fags. congratulations fags for opening up to a car forum full of dudes.

I agree with both sides of things being said ITT!! but If you look at every generation it is getting progressivly worse lol…


And yea the work ethic pisses me off since I was 14 I have not been more that a week without a job in bettween jobs and I mean legit pay taxes jobs, ALMOST nobody thats 21 like me has the work ethic I have, and they thing they need to work for a million dollars in fast food, WTF maybe I am dumb but I have a thing called pride in what I do that causes me to bust my ass just as hard for minimum wage as I would for say 25$ an hr. And lol at all the bums saying nobody Is hiring…


Couldnt’ agree more man. I’m about to turn 25 in 2 weeks and I look at these shmucks born in the 90’s and it’s just sad. And like others here, I have had a tax paying job since I was 16. Every day since. And I did basically me entire college degree at night while working full time. Kids truly do want everything handed to them these days…jobs (they won’t really search for them), toys/items, etc.

And don’t get me started on the ‘discipline’. If the government knew how my parents raised me when I was a pre-teen, they’d be in jail. But you know what? Being older now, I absolutely appreciate that they didn’t let up and let me do whatever the hell I wanted, when I wanted.

It affects SOCIETY, not ME. When society goes down the drain, so does my life (eventually).

Men de-masculine’ing (new word?) themselves is nothing to be proud of or be in support of. Those ‘skinny jeans’ are not manly in any way, shape, or form. It’s for homosexual men. Yet hipsters rock em like it ain’t nobodies bidness. Same with the long hair. WTF would you even want long hair? As far as I know/can tell, it’s a f’in PITA. Leave it to the women.

Both my kids have chores if they want suttin , I worked for what I wanted so do my kids . I don’t beat my kids but they know when they fucked up . The school won’t call me anymore cause I yell at principal for not letting my 7 yr old do what he needs to when a kid was pushing him around lol yet the other kid got shit . Schools is the blame

I can’t wait until I can beat my kids, and I’ll beat anyone that tells me I can’t haha


Now see, your all growing up and starting to sound like republicans.

big talker over here…cmon like youve stacked hay before

Political party has nothing to do with this… I know die hard conservative/republicans that would make you sick.

I knew you leftists would chime in. You dont get it, never will. I’ll leave before I argue.