What happened to my SR?

Hey guys,
Well I got my SR running finally and seemed to be running smooth. I got a new battery and went out for a spin. Seemed really nice, no problems, then all of a sudden when I would accelerate it would start bogging. Then air bag light started to flash and it started to run funny. I pulled over and let it idle, was reving up and down like mad. Then I turned it off and let it sit for a sec. Then I tryed to start it again and no go, battery is dead. But it’s brand new. So I was thinking it might be the alernator but i’m not sure. Now I came with a boost to start it today and I noticed a really weird noise coming from the engine so I shut it off. Now i’m scared to start it again not wanting to do any damage. Does anyone know what this might be? Would anyone be willing to come by and take a look and see maybe they could solve the problem. I also noticed a little stain under the car today but not sure if that was there or not. I really need to get this solved quick, I need a car and this whole swap has been one nightmare after another. If anyone could help me out here I would really appreciate it, and I would pay for your services, just need this looked at. Thanks!

My cell is 416-666-1781


if you didnt blow a IC pipe then your fried your ECU

and if you fried your ecu then you have a short in your harness

and im speaking from expereiance because this happend to me.

should of done a s13 sr

Ah man don’t tell me that, this is insane, i’m so stressed out. How could I tell for sure what it is? I need someone to take a look at this. But I don’t wana move the car anywhere, so someone would have to come to me. I live in West end, Dundas & 427.

an F*ed up alternator will also make your car run all boinked

Pull the S14 motor and put in a S13 or Sell it?

a bad altornator that isnt charging will make the car run fine untill the voltage goes too low

if its overcharging it can fry shit

can you start your car right now?

test the ecu in another car…but since you have a s14 sr good luck…

def sounds like you fried the ecu

same thing happend to me car drove fine for 3 km then ran like shit then died

and you wont get another s14 sr ecu for as cheap sas you did

Who did your wiring?

If I’m not mistaken, the S14 SR is a little more complicated to do wiring?

Well I can’t start it now, the battery voltage is too low to get it started. With a boost I can get it running for a bit. But it runs weird. I don’t know what the hell to do now. I have no time or money to swap engines again or anything like that, just need to get this one running. So anyone have some time today to come take a look maybe? I’ll pay for your time, i’m just at the end of my rope here. :frowning: And Chris (Canadiandrifter240sx) did my wiring.

Are you sure that your intercooler piping is connected and no vacuum leaks?

It could be your alternator or a short in the wiring.

Check the alternator, and all your piping first.

If everything looks good, then it is probably ecu…

if its your alternator then that means your car was running on the battery, and even if its new it might be dead. try changing the battery.

check the MAFS, check the pins in the connector, follow it to the harness.

check all the wiring…

try someones ECU… i know sasha has a spare cuz hes running EMS.

then go beat marcus down lol

This may sound stupid, but it happens.

Check to see if your ecu harness is bolted properly into your ECU.

Sounds like an ECU / wiring problem to me.

Well the ecu I got is sasha’s, so it goin to be hard to track down another s14 ecu, so i’m hoping its not fried. Its just so frustrating, it was runny really nice, took her for a spin and it was great, then all of a sudden. See the thing that scared me this morning is when I boosted it there was a weird noise coming from the engine that wasn’t happening last night. now if its just the alternator, does KA one fit or do I have to find a SR alternator? I’m clueless pretty much when it comes to wiring, not sure how to track down a short or anything. Chris did the wiring and he did another s14 sr wiring job before and it ran fine, so i’m not sure what to think.

Also my ecu was just laying on the floor, I didn’t bolt it down, could that have caused any problem? Just to clarify.

ecu could be a problem, but it doesnt explain your dead battery.

i would start at the alternator and work from there.

true. Lets say alternator is dead, where do i find one? ka alt work? or does it have to be sr alt? I really hope its not my ecu, i think i would cry :frowning: lol. But the weird noise i was hearing this morning, not sure how that would be linked to alternator. It appeared overnight.

Well what did the weird noise sound like and where was it coming from?

Best bet would be to check the alternator wires, grounds, etc.

Can you read the code on your alternator?

I know any year ka alternator will work on a ka… not sure about SR though.

Get a grip man.
I almost feel like saying “I told you so” ( http://www.son240sx.ca/forum/viewtopic.php?p=144462#144462 ) but I won’t :o

Do you know how to read error codes on your ECU? I don’t know if the
SR ECUs have an error code reader LED like the KAs did.

I guess many ppl here have gave you suggestions. See what you can find.

The noise sounded like it was coming from the engine, it was a weird kind of rubbing type sound, hard to explain. There was a little stain under the car but i’m not sure if that was there before. I can’t read whats on the alternator. Last night the noise wasn’t there and this morning it was. I only ran it for about a minute scared that something might get damaged or something. I’ve pretty much reached my mechanical knowledge limit on this one, personally I don’t know where to go from here.

Open your valve cover and look inside? :dunno:

Any way for you to record the sound?

I’ll try and record the sound now, i’ll make a little video of me trying to start the car with a boost and then how it sounds/runs so you guys can see.

If you need a place to host the file(s), let me know. Just e-mail me the file(s).