What Happens When You Put Four Donuts On A C63 AMG?


“the best handling car ever.”

Looks like fun :excited

and then this happens from driving on spare tires too long/hard:
http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/386447_2134666811036_1377030116_31828425_503436471_n.jpg :lol

skip to 4:25. save yourself 4 minutes.

Well when was the last time you see anybody follow all the rules of the spare

Not on front wheels
Not for highway speeds
Not for more than a few miles

All the rules for spare tire might as well be written in Chinese, nobody reads it anyways. And almost nobody knows you shouldnt have a smaller diameter tire on your drive axle. Same reason you replace all four tires on an all wheel drive vehicle,which not many know that either. Generally people think as long as they are driving their car, everything is fine.

Nice video though, fun is better than speed on the streets.

2 things that terrify me on the highway

Seeing a blatantly unbalanced wheel, car shaking all over the place with the retard driving at ~75-80MPH swirving through traffic, a fucking terrible accident waiting to happen in rush hour

A retard with a donut doing those same speeds, also weeving in and out of traffic.

Speed round kids…

What member on here, this past year didnt believe me when I said that, only to find out I was actually right?

And for the points bonus, how long was the trail of transmission fluid behind the car until he noticed I was right?


Ern :rofl:rofl:rofl


definately not what i expected to be in that video.

i expected to see a very expensive german car sitting on four flat donuts on the side of a highway.

So sick

+There’s a reason I always carry a full size spare. Those OEM donuts dont even look like they can hold a car up, unless it’s an Aveo. XD

German folding side wall spares freaked me out first time I’ve dealt with them.


I have two brand new spare camaro donutes in my attic. I thought about murdering them about a year ago. This makes me want to do it more.

very cool would pay to do this